Do you mind if I kiss you?

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As he's too busy with the task in hand, Xie Lian didn't notice the figure creeping up from behind. The room which isn't particularly bright nor dark causing the shadow of that figure isn't deep enough. Xie Lian surely will notice if by chance that figure lets out even the smallest dangerous aura, yet there's none coming. Thus the reason why the pair of strong arms circling his waist from behind startled him.

"Gege, what are you doing?"
"San Lang, you scared me."

Hua Cheng smiles and planted a light kiss on Xie Lian's cheek, tightens his hugs around Xie Lian and nuzzles his face on Xie Lian's shoulder as he murmurs his apology. Hua Cheng's bang feels ticklish on Xie Lian's skin and he chuckles lightly, returns his attention to the stack of papers on the table in front of him.

"What are you writing?"
"I'm just reciting a poem I heard."
"Is that what you sang just now?"
"Eh? I sang it?"
"You hummed, yes."

Xie Lian can feel his cheek heated, but he clears his throat and acts like nothing happened.

"You should have told me. That was a little embarrassing."
"No at all. It's Gege who sang it, of course I would like to listen."
"Spare me some slack, geez..."

Hua Cheng smiles and grabs the nearest paper, reading the characters neatly written. His eyebrow raises a little in amusement, Xie Lian who has been glancing his way can see that small change of expression. Hua Cheng says nothing and keeps on reading, checking the rest of the papers, properly reading everything and has himself immersed in the tale. Xie Lian grows anxious by how tentative Hua Cheng is, by then noticed Hua Cheng is currently topless.

"San Lang, why didn't you wear your clothes?"
"I still have my pants on."
"I know, but..."

Xie Lian's cheeks flared again. He can see clearly some marks on Hua Cheng's body, the result of their passionate exchanges the night before. It reminds him of his own which hidden beneath his clothes, and the details of what happened that night involuntary resurfaced inside his mind. Adds with what he just wrote, the poem which is now being read by Hua Cheng...

"Gege, this... Where did you read this?"
"Hmm? Ah... I was visiting the market before when I heard some ladies talking about it. I'm just reciting some parts loudly spoken since it sounds interesting."

Xie Lian lifts his eyes to meet Hua Cheng's gaze. There's something inside those eyes which sparks the moment it lands. A little bit dangerous, yet Xie Lian doesn't particularly feel the danger. Or he must say, not the kind of danger where his life is at stake.

"San Lang?"
"Gege, do you know what this poem about?"
"Love story?"
"Correct. But do you know what exactly it is?"
"Uh... No? I mean, I didn't hear every sentence. Do you have any idea?"
"I read this not too long ago."
"Oh... Mind telling me?"
"I don't mind at all, but... Gege, are you ready?"

Xie Lian didn't notice since when he got trapped between Hua Cheng's body and the table. Hua Cheng's arms are next to his, there's no way he can run away. Hua Cheng's eyes flash something he recalls only happens when both are in a rather intimate situation, and it makes him involuntary gulps.

Hua Cheng leans down. His long, silky hair falling to Xie Lian's shoulders. Their shortened distance makes him able to feel Hua Cheng's cold skin from the minimum grazes. Adds with that intense gaze, it sends shivers up to his spine. Xie Lian already opens his mouth, about to say something when Hua Cheng maneuvers and whispers into Xie Lian's ear.

Right away, his eyes widened and his face flustered.

"T-That's not right, is it?"
"It is. If Gege doesn't believe me, I'll show you the book later."

Xie Lian clears his throat again and shook his head.

"No need. I believe you." Xie Lian who was averting his gaze now returns his eyes to Hua Cheng who's still trapping him. "San Lang?"
"Yes, Gege."
"You... Aren't you a little bit too close?"
"Do you mind?"
"No, but--" Xia Lian pauses, "....No, I don't mind."

Hua Cheng smiles. Xie Lian doesn't need to look to know Hua Cheng is smiling at him. He can hear his own heart beating furiously, and he's worried Hua Cheng might be able to hear.

"According to the poem, the one that maiden loves was a real gentleman. He will always ask for permission, puts the maiden's consent above all things."
"Is it?"
"But why are you suddenly mention it?"
"Because I have a question for you."
"What is it?"

Hua Cheng stares at Xie Lian even deeper.

"Do you mind if I kiss you?"


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