You always know how to make me smile

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Art by Lychee Syrup

For someone who says he is busy with important work, Xie Lian sure is holed up inside his temple for too long. The others started feeling worried since a few days ago, seeing the door tightly shut and no sign of any soul inside. If not because of the strange aura seeping out every so often, people will think he is not inside. Another reason is, that Hua Cheng doesn't seem to bother with the anomaly. If something happened to His Highness, surely the Demon Supreme will be the first one to move from his spot.

"Please, God. Fix my precious doll." A little girl no older than five years old is praying, "Mommy gave it to me before she joins you in Heaven. Please fix it."

The girl stills for a few moment, as if waiting for something.

"I will come back later."

The girl says and dashed out quickly after realizing no one will answer. Hua Cheng who has been watching, has long noticed the same little girl keep coming back and forth at the same time every day. Pretty much the reason why Xie Lian cooping up inside is to deal with her request.

It's fine to focus on his work, but doing it a few days straight without rest and food is harming. This aspect is unlike Xie Lian in a way, so he's slightly worried.

"Gege, dinner is ready."

Hua Cheng knocks the door lightly, expecting no answer as usual. The tray in his hand is fuming from the hot meal. This time, he won't just wait. The black aura surrounding the room the moment he opened the door seems threatening. More like, threateningly funny. Whatever it is Xie Lian is working seems to be took everything of him.

"Gege." Hua Cheng calls again, gently, "Gege, I brought you dinner."

Xie Lian turned his head around slowly. His eyes are red from lack of sleep.

"Oh... San Lang. Is it dinner time already?"
"Yes. Let's eat together."

Xie Lian seems to hesitate, but put down the equipment he holds and hides everything under a cloth. Obviously, Hua Cheng can see it. He just decided not to say anything. Yet.

The dinner went by fast enough. Hua Cheng casually responds in Xie Lian's story as usual. His eyes never leave Xie Lian, watching intensely, listening, answering when needed. When Xie Lian noticed that gaze, he couldn't help but feel his face heated up. Thanks to the work making him busy, he hasn't spent his time with Hua Cheng as much as usual.

"Is something matter?"
"Eh? No. Why?"
"You doze off."
"Eh... I'm sorry. I was just thinking."
"Do you mind sharing your trouble with me?"

Xie Lian flustered a little.

"It's not..." He sighs in defeat, "I just thought we haven't spent some time together lately."
"If Gege is busy, I don't want to trouble you."
"No, it's not like-- I mean, I am working on something. I just not sure how to patch it? But I feel like I have to deal with it myself."
"And why is that?"
"Because it feels not right to let others do the work while I sit around."
"As far as I remember, Gege never rests as the other working. You work as hard."

Xie Lian blinks. A smile plastered on his face following soon enough.

"Thank you, San Lang."
"It's nothing. So what is it you're working on?"

Xie Lian hesitantly puts down his bowl and drags out a box from behind him, picks something from inside and shows it to Hua Cheng.

"I don't recognize this demon. I'm sorry."
"It's a rabbit doll." Xie Lian clears his throat in embarrassment, "A little girl put it inside the donation box someday while praying to have it fixed."
"I see."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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