Chapter 6 | Party

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"Ladies and gentlemen, this is not your captain speaking. We are having a Leo styled party tonight and everybody is invited." Leo yelled over the announcement system.

I was on the bed and rubbing my eyes. We decided to have a day off, that meant, leaving both the ships on auto-pilot and without any scheduled maintenance EVA. EVA means an Extra Vehicular Activity by the way. I got up on my legs and stretched out my arms. I freshened up and made my way to the bridge only to find that the rest of the crew were already there and were in the middle of something hilarious. "Am I missing something?" I asked, smiling. "Yeah." Anna replied. "Life." she said. It made sense. 

 We analyzed the surroundings looking for obstacles big enough to damage our ships and finding none, put the two ships on auto-pilot.  "There are smoke detection alarms on the ship, right?" asked Leo. "Well, considering we are on one of the most advanced spaceships humans have ever built, I'd take a pretty good guess and say yes." I replied. "Why?"I asked". "I wanted to provide you guys some entertainment! Kind of like a thank you present for saving me." he replied, winking. "Leo, you are NOT playing with fire on the ship." I said, grinning. "We'll see!" He replied, running away.

"Where are you from, Leo?" I asked him. "My dad was from Chicago. Was one of the war refugees who went to Russia after the city was leveled in a nuclear attack." he replied.  

We usually have already packed and processed food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but we also have the facility to cook our own food. Of course, all the materials used were non-flammable and had to cook using induction stove technology, old-fashioned but very safe and easy. Leo said that he would make breakfast using some of the raw materials USRA sent us with. We never cooked food on our own, because none of us were good cooks. We'd rather eat the packaged food than gag eating our own.

 Half an hour went by before Leo came out with the dishes. "Man, it's been so long since I've eaten fresh, hot, steaming food!" Reneesh said, digging into his plate with his fork and spoon. "Leo, I don't know what you put in this dish, but this dish is a masterpiece." Konrad exclaimed. "Why don't they send chefs for us on our missions?" Souvik said, laughing. "That's because we're going to war and not a pleasure trip." I replied. "That sucks, hard time." Anna said.

Leo and I went to the bridge to check out how things were going onboard when Leo found a snag. "There is a small problem with one of the reactors. We have to go out on an EVA to fix it. It is probably at a problem at one of the junction box." He said. We suited up and stepped out of the airlock. We fired our Manned Maneuvering Units (MMU) and propelled ourselves to junction nineteen. "Boss, I've got an idea." he chuckled. "Yeah?" I asked. "What about we spray paint a huge smiley on the side of our ship so that the aliens would know we're coming in peace." he replied, followed by laughter. "Man. I've got to give it up for you." I said, laughing. We soon found the snag. Two wires shorted with each other resulting in the tripping of a breaker. We fixed it up and made our way back to the airlock. "What's in the party?" I asked him, as we made our way back to the bridge. "See it to know it!" he replied, grinning. 

We spent the evening by playing cards yet again and talked about random stuff. Random stuff meant the days before the first wave struck. When Earth was peaceful and calm. Then started the Leo party. I'll try explaining the Leo party in one sentence. It is the best kind of party you'll ever go to. Leo was the chef, the DJ, the waiter and the bartender. And yes, we had the best day ever. Leo showed us some tricks with fire and in the due process burnt his fingers. It was an hour to midnight, Earth Standard Time and we were in Konrad's cabin, talking.

It felt great to live life like it has to be lived.


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