Part 22: Feelings realised

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Lapis Pov:

I push the front door of the house open, closing it behind me, both me and Peridot are completely soaked, dripping on the floor, a second after we enter we hear footsteps, Mr. Universe runs into the hall, a nervous look on his face "Oh thank the stars your're okay, where have you girls been?"   i look down at Peridots' hand entwined in mine, then back up to Mr. Universe "Umm... we got... lost?". He stares at us with a look of disbelief "Lost? Wha- how did you get lost? We were worried sick, we were told you just ran out of the school" i look over at Peridot and then back to him, then Peridot speaks up "W-well, umm... we came across... an issue" he stares at us for a second before he shrugs "Fine, don't tell me... I'm just glad you two are okay" he smiles softly and walks out of the hall. 

We both slowly head up the stairs, my hand slips out of hers as i head into the bathroom, i stare at my soaked face in the mirror, i run my finger over my lips, the feeling of Peridot's against mine still swirling in my head. I guess drunk me was right... i do like Peridot, and i guess she really likes me too. Pulling my soaking clothes off i toss them into the hamper basket, leaving me in my underwear, i hop out of the bathroom and quickly into my room, walking in i spot Peridot's wet clothes in a pile on the floor, i look up to see she's already in a change of clothes, she blushes as she spots me standing there "W-wow..." i look down and my face turns slightly red as i cover myself with my hands and arms as best i can.

Peridot smiles slightly as she steps forward, placing her hand atop mine, looking into my eyes, she leans forward and softly presses her lips against mine, my hands falling back to my sides as she does so.  As our lips part my eyes slowly open, staring into her emerald globes, she smiles up at me, causing the corners of my mouth to curl into a soft smile, Peridot takes a step back, sitting on the edge of her bed "Well, you should probably get changed now" i look down again, realising i'm still standing in just my underwear, i run over to my drawers, grabbing clothes out of them and quickly pulling them on. We both sit for a few minutes, talking about whatever pops into our heads, both of us still feeling slightly giddy from earlier, after a short while we're both called downstairs for dinner. 

Once we sit down at the table we are asked questions about what happened at school all throughout the meal, we both try an avoid the questions as best we can, with everyone eventually giving up and changing the subject. Once dinner is over we both head back upstairs, closing the door to our room behind us, we both sit on the edge of my bed, staring at our feet shyly, we both look up at each other slowly, nervous smiles on our faces. We inch slightly closer to each other, Peridot leans in slightly, her lips inches from mine, i in turn lean on closer to her, pressing my lips against hers, placing a hand on her shoulder. After a few seconds our lips part slightly, our eyes opening a little, she shifts back on the bed slightly, so i shift with her so that i'm sitting in her lap, placing my other hand on her shoulder as she places her at my sides. 

Our lips connect again, i lean into her, feeling her warm breath against me, we keep our lips together as much as we can, parting them briefly to get a breath of air. The orange glow from the streetlight outside lights up my back slightly, reflecting against the wall behind us. As we sit there with our lips locked the door suddenly swings open, causing us to jump in surprise slightly, Pearl walks in, looking down at something in her hands "Peridot, did you borroe my screwdriver, i can't seem to fin-" she looks up as she speaks, stopping mid sentence as she spots us "Oh, oh my... I'll uh... I'll just be going now" she spins on her heel and walks out the door, closing it behind her, we both look at each other and laugh nervously, going back to exploring our new feelings.  

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