Part 26: Barn Mates

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Peridot Pov:

Reaching over i turn the alarm on my phone off, rolling over and pulling the covers back up over myself, after a few minutes the covers are swiftly pulled off of me, exposing me to the cold "Come on dorito-hair, get up or we're going to be late" i try and grab the covers back for a second before i give up, sitting up and putting my glasses on. Looking over i see Lapis smirking at me with her arms across her chest "Sleep well?" i sigh as i slide my legs off the side of my bed, stretching slightly "Uhh, i guess"as i stand up she hands my a pile of clothes "Hurry up and get ready or we won't make it on time" i nod my head and shake my hand at her "Yeah, yeah, i know".

Heading into the bathroom i take a quick shower, brush my teeth and get dressed, once i'm done i go downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing myself a plate of food along with a drink, i sit down at the table and eat as fast as i can, quickly downing my drink and placing the plate and glass in the sink. I walk into the hall where Lapis is sitting at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me, as she sees me walk in she hops up and off the stairs, spinning her keys round her finger "Ready to go?" i nod as i pick my bag up off the floor, slinging it over my shoulder "Yup, let's go". She opens the door, both of us walking out as she locks it behind it, we walk down the path and out to Lapis' new car, it's fairly average in size and ocean blue in colour, it suits her rather well, she puts the key in the lock and swings the door open, climbing in, i walk around and get in the passengers side.

Putting the key in the ignition the engine of the car hums to life with a slight shake, Lapis smirks over at me as she slides her seatbelt on, reaching over to her stereo and pushing a disc into the player, i sigh softly as i look over at her "You better not play that song again" she keeps the smirk on her face as she presses the play button, the familiar opening beat of Ocean Man coming from the speakers "You know you love it" i sigh again as she turns, lightly pressing down on the gas as she pulls out onto the road. As we drive i look out the window, the soft sound of the music and Lapis signing along helping me relax while we drive. 

After we've been driving for a short while we pass the university campus, i look out the window at the large building "Y'know, it's weird to think we'll be going there in a few weeks" Lapis nods softly as she keeps her eyes on the road "Yeah, i know, i never thought i'd ever be able to make it, yet here we are" i look in the wingmirror as the campus fades into the distance, the car turning onto the dirt road as we get close to our destination. We pull up to the wooden fence, Lapis turning off the engine as we both step out of the car, as we close the doors behind us we spot our chaperone from the university, her hair is styled in a short bob with a blue bow at the back, she's wearing a fairly formal outfit, holding a clipboard in her hand. 

We walk over to her and greets us "Hello there, i take it you two must be Peridot and Lapis?" we both nod softly in reply, she straightens herself out and begins walking "Alright then, if you two will just follow me i can show you the accommodation you'll be staying in" we both follow her down the dirt path and to the large wooden barn, we walk up to the door and slides it open and she turns back to us "Now, as you can see there's a lot of room inside, however, it can be fairly drafty at times, but the windows are good for letting in natural light, now, i'll let you tow look around" we nod as we both step inside, looking around at the spacious interior.

As we look about i whistle softly "This place sure is big, lucky thing it's nice too" Lapis nods slightly as she climbs down from the rafter "Yup, it sure is" we both stand at the back wall and look over the entire place. After a second Lapis turns to me "So, what do you think?" i take a slight breath before i turn to her "Yeah, i think this is the place, what about you though, what do you think?" she smiles as she looks up at the window, sunlight streaming in "Yeah, i think this is the place too, we could even grow our own vegetables outside if we want to" i laugh softly in response "I can't really see us growing vegetables". 

Once we've finished looking around and decided that we like the place we walk outside to where the chaperone is waiting for us, she turns to face us "So, have you two made a decision yet?" we both turn to each other before back to her, nodding softly "Yeah, The place is great... we'll take it".

A/N: So, this is the final part of this story, don't know if i'll ever write a squeal to it, but hey, i can at least hope you enjoyed this story, and uh, thanks for reading.  

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