Get Laid, Loser

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Ally sometimes hated being alone in her home. It was a cozy and small place, nothing excessive, which is what people expected her to have. She felt no need to have a big place, it wasn't what she wanted.

She hated feeling lonely. It was an odd but strong feeling, one that gnawed at her and made her miserable.

She had everything most people wanted. Money. Good friends. People around her that supported her no matter what. But still, there was something missing.

She shook the thought off as she heard her computer chime, walking over to it and opening it up. An email. Great.

She read through it quickly, cocking a brow. It was from Rez.


I got contacted about an upcoming tribute/festival that you are wanted at. Attached is a link with the information, including who else will be playing it as well. Let me know when you receive this.


She thought it would be something fun, something she would enjoy. She always enjoyed things like this.

That was, until she saw who else would be playing at the tribute along with her. She rolled her eyes. Jesus Christ.

There were about five performers including herself, and one of them happened to be Jackson Maine.

"Great, that sounds great." She mumbled to herself.

Maybe it would be good to see that asshole. Maybe she could give him a piece of her mind.


"This is getting ridiculous." Rez said, with a sigh. "What is his problem?"

Ally didn't have a response to that one. She wished she did, maybe this would all make a bit more sense to her.  

Jackson had done it again. He liked another tweet, a rude tweet about Ally. This time, she was apparently a talentless hack that only fed into the mainstream and didn't have a mind of her own, and she only liked money.

While she could take the muppet comment, she couldn't help but feel sort of offended at this one. She wrote all of her own music. She had always loved creating, always loved adding a personal touch to her music. Sure, she had a pop touch to some of her new songs. So what? She couldn't keep making the same music for her whole life, she liked experimenting.

"If it's his team, why are THEY doing this?" She questioned, and he didn't know what exactly to say. The first time, he could forgive it. Maybe even understand why. Times were changing, being on the internet was the business. But, this was just as unprofessional as going to the press and feeding lies.

"I'm not sure. I could contact them and see just what's going on, why they're doing this and request that they unlike the tweets."

"I guess we could do that. They'll probably do it again, though." She sighed. What a fucking mess. "Is this supposed to be their set up for the tribute we're playing? He's supposed to be there, too."

"I know. I don't get why they would want that sort of set up, do they expect you two to fight on stage or something?"

Ally scoffed. "I'd kick his ass."

"Keep it professional, Ally."

"Whatever. Just contact them. Call me when you get a response. Maybe we can get this all cleaned up before it even begins."

"I'm hoping so."


"Bad news."

Ally huffed. There seemed to be a shortage of good news these days. "Just hit me with it."

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