As If!

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Jackson Maine, Ally Campana, and... A DRESSING ROOM?

The feud is heating up... in more ways than one! Apparently, Ally was seen running out of Jackson's dressing room during rehearsal for their upcoming show. Sources say she was flustered and upset.

Jackson issued an apology just as all of this happened, which makes it even more interesting. Many say the apology didn't seem real, and it honestly doesn't seem like a very Jackson Maine thing when you look at how it's worded, but could that be why Ally is mad?

Keep in mind, we all know nothing about how this all began. Things seem to be moving, though. If Ally seemed upset, what could've happened in that dressing room?

All of your minds are probably in the gutter. But if what you're thinking right now is true, would she have come out angry? Maybe he wasn't performing properly, if you catch my drift...


Jackson scoffed at the article that had been forwarded to him. In a word, it was ridiculous. Of course, this whole thing was, so he didn't know what he expected.

This was where it started to get out of hand though, when stories were made up and gossip spread like wildfire. Everyone always had their theories, mostly just fans on social media, but now the gossip professionals were dipping their feet in.

God knows everyone bought into the gossip articles and magazines. It was why they sold so well, wasn't it? People wanted to believe these crazy things, wanted to believe celebrities had insane lives and wanted to live through them.

Jackson would admit, being a celebrity was hard, mostly because of the constant scrutiny on him. Everything he did in the public eye was examined. Things he posted, things he said, even him going out to eat. It was all studied, as if he were some zoo creature.

Without all of that though, his life wasn't all that interesting. He didn't feel any different than his brother, Bobby, who lived an average life. Minus a few obvious changes, they lived very similar lives. Bobby's just wasn't as studied as his was, apparently.

He supposed that was what gossip was for. To spice things up. What was so interesting about going out to lunch? Nothing. But if you add a little spice, like the prospect of a girlfriend, maybe even something silly like weight gain, and you had something to talk about. A caption for the random pictures taken totally off guard.

Jackson of course knew all of this, but it didn't mean he hated it any less. He was used to being looked at, talked out, but he wanted it to stop. Especially now.

"They're hinting sex. Fuckin' sex." Jackson grumbled into his phone, as if they had accused him of murder. "Sex!"

"I'm glad you figured that out, big boy."

"Shut the fuck up. I just can't believe it."

"These sorts of things happen all the time. Two people of the opposite sex interact, and boom! They're involved somehow."

Even though nobody could see him, Jackson shook his head. He supposed the man was right. But it didn't make it anymore bearable. "I would never fuck that bitch. I'd rather eat fuckin' skunk meat."

"Jackson, you're supposed to be neutral now. You don't hate anybody in the industry, remember? Jesus Christ, maybe you need to start handling your shit. Write your own apologies."

"I would never fuck that bitch." He repeated.

"Jackson, are you drunk?" Everyone who knew Jackson Maine knew when he was drunk. They knew the attitude changes, the slurring of words. Sometimes he was able to mask it, but not to people who knew him especially closely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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