Do You Believe In Hate At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again?

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A/N: double update! Be sure to read the chapter before this one if you haven't already!


Ally and Jackson get even more heated... the feud continues.

We all know the basics of the Ally and Jackson feud by now. Sudden tweet liking, not a good enough history to place a finger on just why they don't like each other.

Well, it turns out, the feeling is mutual between both of them. So far, we have only seen Jackson liking things, showcasing his dislike for the pop star, Ally.

But as of last night, we have an actual altercation to add to this odd timeline.

As we all know, Ally and Jackson are playing a tribute together. Immediately after hearing about it, the audience's reactions were mixed. Happy that the tribute itself was a thing of course, but also wondering how this was going to work out for Jackson and Ally.

Last night, during the first rehearsal, Jackson apparently went into Ally's dressing room, and called her a bitch, causing Ally to call security and yell at him. We aren't exactly sure what transpired leading up to this point, but we know it wasn't pretty.

It's obvious they don't really get along, and we still don't exactly know why. Nobody else seems to, either. This feud appeared out of thin air, and seems to be going especially strong.

Will we ever figure it out? Will anything further happen between these two these next few days? Will Ally and Jackson be able to keep it together for the performance, or will the tribute falter because of their disdain for each other? The answer to all of these questions is simple: who the hell knows. Because, we sure don't!



Rez's voice was stern, and Ally could tell that he wasn't in the mood. She was used to it, she had of course seen him at his worst. She had seen his whiny side, his angry side, his happy side, his upset side. He could say the same for her, and she supposed that was a good thing.

"Rez." She replied back sarcastically, knowing it would make him even more angry, but found some subtle joy in that fact.

"What the hell happened last night?" He disregarded her sarcasm which was odd for him, he almost always had something to say about it, he would always scold her. He sounded tired as hell though, so maybe that explained it.

"What do you mean?" Truth was, Ally knew exactly what he was talking about. She just wished it was something that she could keep a secret for now. But, being a public figure as big as she was, that wasn't exactly possible.

"I mean with Jackson Maine. I heard that there was some trouble between you two."

"Well yeah, he's sort of the one who started it. He came into my room, you know. You're not exactly supposed to do that."

Rez sighed, loudly. "I don't care who started it, Ally. At this point, you're acting just as immature as he is. I don't know if you noticed, but you're both grown adults. There's no need for this high school drama nonsense."

Ally huffed. "Don't compare me to him." She didn't know why the comment had effected her so much, but it sure did.

"I can and I will, because you two are acting the same. Like children. Like you can't just get over your silly feud to sing, it's your job. Do you know that something like this at an office job would get you FIRED? I hope you feel lucky, being a pop star."

"He came into my room, and he called me a bitch. I called security. It's simple. It wasn't like we had a physical fight, it isn't like I called him a name or anything."

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