move in {part 1}

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I was sitting in bed on the phone to Chris like I am every night at this point. My boyfriend of almost 18 months was sat playing his computer games. Every day he gets up, goes to work, then comes home either expecting dinner or bringing takeout then sits on his games until the early hours of the morning. So I talk on the phone with Chris every night, I know that Will never hears our conversations, he doesn't pay attention to anything I do anymore. Chris and I have always been close friends after filming the Avengers movies together but within recent months we've become really close. He made me realise what I'm missing in my relationship, love, first and foremost. Chris makes me feel good and talking to him every night gives me a sense of peace and safety. I miss that. And I'm probably falling for him but I would never tell him, plus I'm still in a relationship.

I was thinking about a conversation we had on the phone a week or so ago...
"And why should I take relationship advice from a 37 soon to be 38 year old single man" I joked around with him.
"Because I've never been in a relationship I was unhappy in" Chris spoke softly, it was blunt but it was honest and that's one thing I appreciated.
"I know. I just keep hoping one day he'll wake up and realise and love me like he used to, we were so happy" I sighed.
"I know I remember how happy you were, you're not happy anymore B" He sighed.


Tonight's conversation

"When do you go back to Boston?" I asked Chris.
"In a couple of weeks, I'm staying till San Diego comic con, why?" Chris replied.
"Well I was wondering...if I could stay at your house for a few days when you go back to Boston?" I sighed down the phone.
"Yeah sure that's no problem but why?" Chris replied.
"I'm leaving him...I look at him and I feel nothing. You know he hasn't spoken to me in 3 days, he hasn't kissed me in, 3 months. I don't even remember the last time he touched me..." I trailed off and sighed.
"B" Chris sighed, I knew he felt bad for me.
"I deserve better. I just wanna be loved again" I exhaled.
"Well hey. You can come stay with me until I go back to Boston and you can stay at my place for as long as you need. No if's or but's" Chris said.
"Chris are you sure?" I sighed.
"Yes of course. Tell you what, I don't have any plans tomorrow why don't I come over and help you pack everything up. I just want you out of there. I want you to be happy" he said.
"Thanks Chris that means a lot, but there's not a lot to pack up. I'll probably just get my films and books and my clothes. He can keep everything and I'll buy new stuff when I move to a new place" I replied.
"Well at least let me bring you some boxes and then let me take you to lunch" Chris chuckled.
"Well boxes would be helpful and you know I can't turn down lunch" I giggled.
"Yeah, I know the way to your heart" Chris said softly and I giggled.
"Okay, it's getting late. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go through some stuff and see what's mine and what's his" I said looking at the clock.
"Who are you kidding Bails, I'm pretty sure everything in that apartment is yours" Chris scoffed.
"Yeah you're probably right" I laughed.
"Okay B, I'll see you tomorrow about 11?" Chris asked.
"Yeah sounds good. Goodnight Chris" I smiled.
"Night" he replied before we hung up.


The next morning Will got up for work as normal. I decided it would be best to wait for him to come home and then tell him I was leaving and go immediately.
I opened the door for Chris who walked in with a bunch of folded down cardboard boxes. He helped me put my stuff into the boxes and we filled his car with all my stuff.
"Right, I think that's the last of it. Do you wanna go get food?" I smiled at Chris.
"Always" Chris smiled closing the trunk. I smiled walking around the the passenger side. Chris cut ahead of me and opened the door for me.
"Thank you" I chuckled getting in the car.
Chris and I went to lunch and then he dropped me back at my apartment. I only had to wait a few more hours until Will got home. I made sure that I packed everything up and then just watched Netflix on my phone.


I pulled up on Chris' drive and grabbed my purse from the passenger seat. I got out of the car and walked up towards the door. Just as I was approaching he opened the door and smiled at me and opened his arms. I walked into his arms for a hug while he pushed the door to close behind me.
"You okay?" He sighed rubbing my back, my head resting on his chest.
"Yeah, I'm better now" I said.
"How did he take it?" Chris sighed.
"He asked me to give him another chance and that he loved me but he understands and thanked me for all the stuff I'm leaving for him" I said.
"You wanna order pizza and watch movies?" Chris said still rubbing my back.
"Yes!" I said excitedly pulling away.
"Oh, there's your key by the way" Chris said pointing to the small table by the door. I walked over to grab it.
"You live here now, so help yourself to whatever" Chris smiled wondering over to the living room. I followed after him.

Chris and I sat on his couch watching a movie and ate our pizza. We were sat pretty close the whole night and ending up cuddling when we put another movie on and eventually ended up laying down on the sofa.

I woke up on Chris' couch with his arms wrapped around me. Dodger was licking my face and nudging me.
"Oh buddy" I groaned. I heard Chris groan.
"Hey. We fell asleep" He chuckled.
"We did" I smiled putting my hand under Dodger's chin.
"Does he need to go outside?" I asked.
"Probably. What time is it?" Chris reached for his phone. It was 6:30am. I groaned when Chris showed me the time.
"Yeah I best take him outside. You gonna head to bed?" Chris smiled petting Dodger.
"I don't know, I might just get up and go to the gym" I said also starting to pet Dodger.
"Well if you're gonna go to the gym I might come with you, if you don't mind" Chris looked at me.
"No I don't mind, I'll go get ready. Want me to drive?" I ask.
"Well if you're offering," Chris said with a smirk.
"You gonna move your arm so I can get up?" I smiled looking down at his hand resting on my stomach.
"Sorry" he removed it quickly. I sat up and groaned.

We went to the gym for an hour or two before going out for breakfast. We headed home and did some work stuff before I cooked dinner and we watched a couple of movies again.

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