just me {part 2}

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Laney's POV
I went to the kitchen to grab myself and Chris another bottle of beer. I opened them both and waited for him. 
"Were you just outside with Chris?" Lizzie startled me, she came out of nowhere.
"Yes! Oh my God you scared me!" I laughed.
"Sorry. How did it go?" She smiled.
"Fine. I think. I think he was flirting with me, I don't know. But this is for him, so get out of here..." I smiled as Chris was approaching. She smiled as she walked away.
"Hi" Chris smiled.
"Hi, here you go," I smiled holding out the bottle for him.
"Thank you," he smiled taking the bottle from my hand, our fingers touching for a few seconds.
We talked for what felt like minutes but must've been a lot longer. I was now sat on the kitchen counter. The music was loud so we had to learn into each other to talk. He had his hands placed on the counter either side of me.

Chris' POV
I was talking to Laney in the kitchen, I loved talking to her, I loved listening to her. I was slightly happy the music was loud cause in meant I got to be closer to her and lean into her ear as we spoke.
Some people had come over to say goodbye throughout the night so there wasn't that many people still here.
She glanced over towards my living room.
"I think everyone might be staring at us," Laney giggled.
"I think you might be right," I chuckled as I glanced over then looked down. The music was turned down now, I don't know how long for.
"Hey guys! We're gonna play cards against humanity, you wanna join us or should we just leave you to keep flirting?!" Mackie called over to us. Everyone was stood, staring at us in the kitchen. Laney laughed and looked away.
"You wanna play?" I looked to her.
"Sure, it'll be fun," she smiled. God I love her smile. I pushed away from the counter and she jumped down.

Mackie, Seb, Lizzie, Scarlett, Cobie and Taran and me and Laney all sat in my living room around the coffee table.
Laney was sat next to me, we were cramped pretty close together, which I definitely did not mind.

Laney's POV
We played cards against humanity for a couple of hours and it was after midnight. Cobie and Taran had already left.
"Laney...You ready to go?" Lizzie asked, pausing to yawn.
"Yeah," I yawned too.
"Okay, the cab's outside," Lizzie smiled.
"Okay," I sighed shuffling to get up.
"I'll walk you out," Chris said.
Chris walked us to the door and said goodbye to Lizzie and she stood in the doorway waiting for me.
"It was really nice meeting you," Chris said hugging me. He gave such good hugs, I wanted to just stay there forever.
"Yeah, you too!" I smiled pulling away. I noticed Lizzie walking away.
"Um, will you text me when you back...So I know you're safe," Chris smiled.
"Yeah. Goodnight Chris," I smiled before kissing his cheek and following after Lizzie.
"You have to tell me everything when we get home!" Lizzie demanded. I just laughed as we walked to the cab.

***3 weeks later***

Chris and I had kept in touch...a lot the last few weeks. We would text or called or facetime each other every day. I really liked him and I think he liked me too.
He's managed to convince me to go visit him in Boston so I was flying out today. I would be staying at his house in the guest room. I think I might be crazy.

"Okay so you'll text me when you get to the airport, when you land and when you get to Chris'?!" Lizzie asked as I was heading for the door.
"Yes Lizzie. I am a grown woman I will be okay!" I chuckled.
"I know but just keep in touch okay!" Lizzie smiled.
"I will but I'm only going for a week," I smiled.
"I know but I know you're gonna love it there and you're gonna move away again," Lizzie said with a frown.
"Well if I do, I promise I'll visit more often!" I smiled pulling Lizzie into a hug.
"Okay. I love you!" She sighed reciprocating my hug.
"I love you too and thank you for letting me stay with you, I'll be out of your hair soon," I said pulling away.
"I love having you here, you know it's no hassle
"Yeah well...I gotta go, I don't wanna miss my flight," I smiled.
"Okay. I love you. See you soon!" Lizzie smiled.
"Love you, bye!" I said before walking out the door with my bags.


I landed in Boston, got off the plane and went to get my suitcase. While I was waiting I text Lizzie and Chris to say I had landed.
Chris had insisted on picking me up, he said there shouldn't be any paparazzi but he would wait out front in his car. I had tried to tell him no but he wasn't having any of it.

I walked through the doors and saw Chris leaning against his car, he was wearing a cap and sunglasses and looking down at his phone. I quickly stopped and glanced around to check there was no paparazzi. When I looked back to him he was already looking at me and smiling. I continued walking towards him, smiling.
"Hi," Chris stepped forward.
"Hi," I bit my lip. Do I hug him? He chuckled and reached out to hug me. I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled quietly. God he smells good.
"Was the flight okay?" He asked while we were still hugging.
"Yeah, it was fine," I smiled pulling away.
"I'm so happy you decided to come," Chris smiled.
"Yeah, me too!" I chuckled. We stared at each other for a few moments before he cleared his throat.
"I'll get your bags, m'lady," he opened the car door for me.
"Thank you," I laughed before getting into the car.
I watched Chris in the mirrors as he put my suitcase in the trunk. I smile to myself. I can't believe I'm in Boston, visiting and staying with a guy I've only known a few weeks. Part of me thinks I'm crazy, the other part knows that this could be something really special and I have to take the jump.

Chris gets in the car bringing me out of my thoughts. I look over at him and smile, he smiles back. Yeah, this is real.

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