°~Flashback~° Pt.2

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~5:30 PM, early autumn~

"We can't be together Katsu-kun"

"Aah?! Why the fuck not! Didn't you want it too?? Seeing from your dumb flushing face whenever you would sit next to me or somebody mentioned us together!"

"No..that's not-"

"Then tell me! Is it something i did?? Something your stupid friends said?! Is it because of your parents?" he said the last part a bit quieter

"Katsu-kun let me explain-"

"I'm frustrated, (y/n)!"

"Then let me explain everything.."

You sighed once silence fell between you two, a hint that Bakugo was letting you talk, finally. You were 13 at the moment, always a year older than your best friend Katsuki Bakugo. You two were currently behind the school, under a cherry blossom tree whos flowers were beggining to change colors from a beautiful pink to a crimson red, orange and yellow. You held hands with Katsuki as it was a normal thing you two would do, some people calling you friend with benefits, but you and Katsuki knew it was nothing like that. But you've always thought of the idea of being Katsuki's girlfriend.

"First of all, you know i'm moving away, like, in another school, city and country.

And second of all, if I'm gonna be with you, i want to see you every moment, and i mean face to face. I don't like the idea of seeing each other only in holidays and on video calls. I want to hold your hand every second, minute, hour, hell i want to kiss your face every second being with you, i would love to! But...I'm not going to be able to do so, if I'm going to be continents away from you"

You looked down at your shoes after another pregnant silence fell between you two, this time a more uncomfortable one. You hated the idea of moving away from your best friend, but you couldn't comply knowing your parents would get very irritated whenever you would talk back. Katsuki was your only friend, as weird as it sounds. You only trusted him and no one else, scared they would make fun of your looks or outfits, Katsuki never made fun of them, even at the start when you two were just enemies.

Its weird how in less than two years, you've moved

From enemies, ready to kill eachother

To best friends, sharing everything with eachother

It would be less weird if it wasn't Katsuki. Katsuki Bakugo, the sassy, egoistic time bomb, who was known to hate everything and anyone. But it seemed somehow else with you. He wouldn't call you names or yell at you, even when you were just enemies.

You looked up when you heard a long sigh leaving Katsuki's mouth, seeing he had his head down just like you, but his bangs hid his eyes. You opened your mouth to apologise, but Katsuki got the best of you.

"You're right, we can't be together, i got it"

He sounded like he was about to collapse on his knees and cry his eyes out. You felt guilt rise in your stomach and cringed when you heard his voice crack when he said 'i got it'.

Today seems like everything hates you, everything cutting you short on your words, choking on them as they rose in your throat. The bell rang, signaling 3 period was about to start.

You've never seen Katsuki as the type to get easily sad or even showing it, but this was different. Without another word spoken, he wiped his eyes with the back of his forearm and let go of your warm hands and turned around, walking away, away from you.

From that day...everything changed between the two of you, or atleast he changed everything.

Looking at you? Not even a glance

Your name is said? Scoffs and covers his ears

You walk beside him? He speeds up

Bestfriend Katsuki? More like stranger Katsuki

He saw you as a stranger now, a nobody, you didn't matter anymore

But he knew that deep down you were still his only light source, and he hated it. He wanted to forget about you, but couldn't, instead he would think about you more and more.

He would find a way...

Find a way to grow the distance...


'good job, Katsuki, i grew further from you'

'was this what you wanted?'


Another boring chapter :/ oh well

I had no inspiration

Sorry ladies and gentlethots <3

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