The End of the World?! NO!! Chapter 8

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Eric takes the bell and walks all the way back to the castle

Guards: You can't see the great king unless you have permission!

Eric holds up the big bell and the guards move aside

Daiõ: Do you have the bell Little lizard man?

Eric angrily: I am a kobold. Yes I do.

Daiõ: Good. Now hand it over.

Eric: Is it true you sent others to kill the Nine tailed fox!

Daiõ: I didn't say that. I told them they can't reason with the beast.

Eric: You knew the Nine Tailed Fox was capable of reasoning didn't you!

Daiõ: Lower your voice! Of course I knew! Besides we have to feed that thing our harvests every year it is a great help to the people.

Eric: So you sacrificed it for what? What good is the bell?

Daiõ: It is said to grant great power to the one who has it. Now hand it over!

Eric: I, Eric Handown now resign this quest.

Daiõ: I would not be so sure of that little lizard man. Guards! Surround him!

Eric is then quickly surrounded by many guards

Eric's thoughts: damn... I can't fight this many...

Then Eric sees his menu and sees a 9 part one time use spell.

Eric: use! Wrath of the NINE HELLS!!!!

Eric is surrounded by dark energy

This causes a crowd of  player specters to record the event

Daiõ: In....Impossible... The spell of the Gods!


The earth starts moving


Red hot iron chains start to rise from the ground

Daiõ: Stop! You don't know what you are doing!


Black lighting fills the room and touches the ground and skeleton warriors started coming up

Daiõ: Wait! There is no need for violence!


Eric shudders slightly upon saying phlegethos but doesn't notice

Magma from the ground starts to rise near Daiõ

Daiõ: Do you want the reward? You can have it!

Daiõ said this knowing if Eric gets a single line wrong the spell fails and so he is trying to make Eric talk.

Eric shakes his head: FIFTH HELL! STYGIA!

Upon saying Stygia Eric shudders more and begins to notice

Ice spikes starts to descend from the roof trapping Daiõ like a cage

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