Author's Note

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Dear Reeder,

I hope you had a great time, reading my story and following these characters through new travails, storms and relationship vices. And I do hope, the message I was trying to pass across, didn’t get lost in the book, amidst all the riveting angst and entertainment.

The working mechanism of change, is one that has always baffled me and one I’m sure is an arcana, everyone finds equally mysterious. Do people really change? I hope this book has answered that question for you. And to put it in more explicit terms—yes, people can indeed change, as long as they are determined and willing, have enough motivation, and are doing it for themselves, and no one else.

The context of change here, applies to the defining habits of a person and not their personality. Habits make a person, and so it makes logical sense that when referring to change, habits rank at the apex of the log, and not even personality. I for one I’m not of the impression, that people can change their personalities. It is simply impossible. The best everyone can do, is be the best version of themselves. God made us different for a reason and he could as well have made everyone the same, if he didn't see the need for diversity.

Are you blunt? Opinionated? Meek? Free-spirited? Outspoken? Confident? Eccentric? Reserved? Energetic? Don’t change for anyone. As long as you’re making effort to be the best person you can be, you’re alright. But where habits are concerned, you should always strive and do your utmost best to do away with toxic habits, because most times—they go a long way in defining who you are, than your personality itself.

Once again, thank you for joining me on this journey. I hope you had a great ride.

Farewell, till we meet again.

T.J. Martins,
August 2019.

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