Hermione Lestrange pov.
Everyone is congratulating me on my successful first mission. There wasn't a fight included either.
"Impressive Miss Lestrange, you didn't even hesitate." Fenrir Greyback tells me.
I have been having a conversation with him for the past few minutes. Everyone is celebrating what we accomplished today and so is Luna. She does miss her father but Voldemort agreed that she can go home as soon as her father stops writing about Death Eaters.
Luna is speaking with Draco. He seems to be calm around Luna. In fact, the way he looks at her makes me wonder.
"Everyone knows that the mini Malfoy has a thing for Lovegood. He might even choose her to be his wife someday." Fenrir whispers in my ear.
I gasp and smile. That is amazing news. They both look great together and seem to already have a connection.
"Snatchers!" Voldemort announces and everyone stops talking.
"Someone has said my name. Bring them to me." Voldemort says and he leaves with Nagini.
All of the snatchers in the room left and some Death Eaters went with them.
I wonder who said his name. I only know if one person who isn't afraid to say his name. He wouldn't risk it though, not with everything that is going on. Maybe he would, if he has a plan.
Draco walks over to me.
"Who do you think said his name?" Draco ask me.
I look around and everyone is watching me.
"I only know one person who would say his name but he wouldn't risk it."
Draco nods his head and Astoria walks over with Crabbe and Goyle. They ask me questions about how it felt and how I feel at the moment.
If I am being honest, I don't feel bad. I feel sad for taking someone else's child but I don't regret it. My mission wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
"I heard my baby girl made us all proud!" My dad shouts as he walks in the room with my mom.
I run over to them with a huge smile on my face and hug them both tight.
"We are so proud of you. Just remember, you always have family." My mom tells me holding me tight.
Then we start to talk and my mom has something planned for me.
"What is it?"
"It's a surprise. I can't wait until it is time to show you." My mom tells me.
"Miss Lestrange. You are needed at the gate." One of the Death Eaters who just walked in said.
My mom looks annoyed then walks out of the room. The Death Eater whispers something to my father and he nods his head.
"Lucius, Narcissa, and Rabastan, take all the kids upstairs except for my daughter and Draco." My dad tells everyone
Everyone else leaves the room and Draco and I are confused. Why are we the only ones who stay back?
"Dad, is something wrong?"
"Hermione!" The voice someone I went to school with and became best friends with said my name.
I turn around and I can feel my emotions spin.
Draco stands in front of me blocking Harry and Ron from my view.

Passionate *COMPLETE*
Фанфик"She is my daughter. She is ours and we will get her back." Bellatrix Lestrange says with powerful eyes. "That is my baby girl. Only a fool would think that they can keep her from us." Rodolphus Lestrange says with venom and truth in his voice. ...