Chpt. 30

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Hermione Lestrange Zabini pov.

A kiss was all it took to make my dream comes true.

I am currently sitting with Blaise while we watch everyone enjoy the reception.  The wedding was amazing and unforgettable.  I know that nomatter what, I won't forget this day.

I especially won't forget what happened at sunset.  Our kiss expanded and covered Blaise and I in a shield that is as bright as the sun.  I could feel the heat spread throughout my entire body.  What I felt the most, was Blaise kiss that was soft, gentle, and spark my lips.  I felt fireworks that I have never experienced before.

"Hermione, here try this."  Blaise says to me feeding me something that tasted sweet.

"That taste good.  What is it?"

"I don't really know actually.  It is something from the muggle world.  It has chocolate, marshmallow, and Graham crackers."  Blaise tells me shrugging

"Oh, you mean the smore desert."

Blaise just grins at me.

"Is that what it is called?"  He ask me.

I nod my head and he brings his hand up to my face.  His thumb rubs my cheek softly.

"Do you think that Luna and Draco are okay?"

Blaise smirks and then points to the dance floor.  I look and see that Luna is showing him a dance that she knows.  He is looking at her with those eyes again.

"He will tell her today.  There is also a back up plan, plan B, just in case he backs out."  Blaise tells me pecking my lips.

I can feel myself blush.  Many people come up to us and gives us congratulations.  We have even received gifts which I dudbt expect.  I know that at a wedding you receive gifts but with the sudden notice I didn't think there would be time.

"Thank you."

I tell every person who comes to speak to Blaise and I.  Then I can hear some commotion and I look over at one of the tables. 

"It is my mom.  Hermione will you please stay with Draco while I go and speak to my mother."  Blaise ask of me.

"No, you are my husband now.  I want to support you even in situations like this." 

He smiles at me, gets up and holds his hand out for me to take.  I take it and we both walk over to our parents.

Blaise holds me close to him by my waist.  I can feel my dad looking at where Blaise's hand takes place right now.

"Mother, what are you doing?"  Blaise ask the woman that calls his mother

"I am here for the wedding."  The woman says giving me a side glance

She is making me mad.  How dare she act such a way?  This is also an important day for her son.  This woman should care.

"You missed it, this is the reception."  Blaise explains to her.

"You had to marry her Blaise.  Parkinson would have been an obvious choice to be your wife.  How dare you go against what I say?"  This woman snaps at Blaise

I can feel myself flinch at her sudden change of voice.  She is doing this on purpose.  This woman is trying to make a scene.

I will admit that hurt.

I can feel Blaise tighten his arm around me.

"I have never wanted to be with Parkinson.  I have always wanted to be with Hermione and give her the life that she deserves.  I don't care about fortune.  Now, you have insulted and upset my wife.  It is time for you to go."  Blaise tells him mother roughly

"How dare you Blaise?"  The woman looks at Blaise shocked and mad.

She then raises her hand to slap him but I reach my hand forward and grab it.  Everyone looks at me shocked and I feel Blaise eyes search mine.

"Don't...ever...say such things to Blaise, my husband ever again...and never raise a hand to my man...ever...this is your final warning."

I then push her back and she flies back and out of the reception tent.  I am shocked by my actions and do the only thing that I can, walk away as fast as I can.

Then I feel a warmth around my waist and I turn around with tears in my eyes.  Blaise holds me close wipes tears from my eyes and off my cheeks.

"I am so sorry Blaise...I don't know why I did it...I mean I do know why...I just-"

I start to stutter but I am cut off by Blaise kissing my lips.  Immediately, I kiss him back feeling a wave of calmness and serenity.

"Thank you Hermione.  You don't know what that meant to me.  You showed me how much you care.  Don't be upset, I am not mad."  Blaise tells me keeping his forehead against mine.

He continues to whisper to me and I whisper to him.

"Blaise,  Hermione."  I hear Narcissa call us.

We look at Narcissa and she gives us a small smile.

"It is time for the speeches."  Narcissa tells us

We both walk over to our table and sit down.  Draco is the first one up.  He talks about both Blaise and I.  We all laugh and smile about the things he says.  He talks about our moments at Hogwarts even the embarrassing ones.  Then Draco stops talking and looks at Blaise.

Blaise nods his head at him and Draco nods in return.

"Blaise, thank you for giving me this chance.  I will always stand by you since you are not just my best friend but you are apart of my family.  I haven't had enough courage to do this in the past.  As I look around Luna, I know that this is what I need to do.  I want to know if you will be mine.  I want to know if you want to be with me.  I want you to know that I want to be with you and give us a chance.  Luna Lovegood, will you go out with me Draco Malfoy?"  Draco ask Luna through a wand that he is using as a microphone.

We all look at Luna as she stands up and walks over to Draco.  She kisses his cheek.

"I would love to Draco.  Where will we be going?"  Luna ask Draco and he brings her into a hug.  She hugs him back and everyone cheers.

He finally did it!

"Lets enjoy this day everyone, to Blaise and Hermione Lestrange Zabini."  Draco says holding Luna by her waist with his one arm while his other one makes the toast.

We all toast and cheer for what has just happened.  I look at Blaise and I peck his lips.

"Looks like you guys won't be needing a plan B."

Blaise and I start laughing and continue to cheer and shout with everyone else.

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