Chapter One

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As the last bell rang and dismissed us, I knew this was going to be an unforgettable summer.

"Jamie!" "Anne!" I ran up to hug my best friend Anne, and I felt the waterworks starting to come. She was moving all the way across the country this summer and I was going to miss her like crazy.

As the tears streamed down my face, I managed to get a few words out. " Senior year is never going to compare to the past ten years - I'm going to miss you soo much." And it was true. Ever since the second grade we had basically been attached at the hip, and now I won't have her here for senior year. "I'll miss you too - oh and remember, you need to make a Skype, like, today!" "Okay, okay!"


Once I got home, I got out my laptop and started to install Skype. While I waited, I grabbed my guitar and started to strum a quick tune I wrote a few years ago. Music has been a passion of mine since I was so young, and it was a huge part of my life. Once Skype was done installing, I began making my account. hmmmm... JamieMcEwen17. Keep it simple. I closed my laptop and finally decided to go make something to eat for supper since it was already six o'clock.

When I got to the kitchen, my mother was sitting there alone. "Jamie! How was school?" "Good, it was tough saying goodbye to Anne though.." "Well, I have some good news! You know that music summer camp you auditioned for a few weeks ago? They called today, and you're in!" OMIGOD. I was accepted into Sapphire Music's summer camp! "This is crazy! When does it start again?" "Next week, and goes until the week before school." "Oh mom this is amazing! I'll miss you so much!"

This was going to be an unforgettable summer.


~ 1 week later ~


"Jamie! We have to go!" "Okay mom! I'm coming..." I smiled at myself in the mirror. This was it - this was going to be the best summer yet. I grabbed my bags and rushed down the stairs, saying goodbye to my dog Sadie, and running out to the car.

Two hours later we arrived at the camp. There were kids of all ages running around, people playing guitars, dancing, and a beautiful lake to top it all off. I said goodbye to my mom, and ran off to get checked in.

"Hi, I'm Jamie McEwen." I finally had managed to find the main office. "Oh! Jamie! Hi! I'm the camp director, Kate - how can I help you?" " I just wanted to find my cabin and get settled in before dinner - I'm so excited!" "C'mon, I'll lead you there."

My cabin was quite nice - two small beds, a bathroom, a few cabinets and closets and a nice big window. "Oh, you must be Megan! This is your roommate, Jamie!" Kate said as a tall blonde girl who looked to be around my age walked into the cabin. "Hi! Nice to meet you!"

Once we were both settled in, she walked me around the camp, as she had told me she came last year too. Megan had to leave, so I found a empty bench near the lake to play my guitar for awhile.

As I did, I noticed a tall blonde boy sitting by the water alone - he was playing a guitar too as he looked out onto the water. He wore black skinny jeans with holes at the knees, which looked so tight they were cutting the blood circulation in the legs..., a nirvana t shirt, and black boots. "Jamie! Let's go - it's time for supper!" Megan was back. "Okay! Coming.."

At supper, I noticed him again - sitting by himself in the back of the room. I ended up sitting with Megan because, well, considering it's my first year here and I don't know anyone, it seemed like a good choice. I kept looking back at him, and Megan seemed to have noticed.

" Oooo who are you staring at Jamie?" "Him." I nodded my head in his direction. "Luke? Luke Hemmings?" "Is that his name?" "Uh, yeah. He's been coming here for years apparently, doesn't talk to anyone. If you want to fit in here, don't talk to him. He's not your type of person, Jamie."

I looked over again, and noticed two girls sitting down at the table next to us, who Megan told me were named Nicole and Ashley. They smirked at us, so we just turned around.

"Don't talk to them, they think they're so talented and the 'next big thing' and are rude to anyone who isn't exactly like them - plastic." "Wow. Sound like bitches."

But on the other hand, I wanted to meet this mysterious boy, and I wanted to get to know him.

Unpredictable ~ a Luke Hemmings fanficWhere stories live. Discover now