Ghost vs Normal

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Ash P.O.V.

Referee: "Spinda vs Sableye, Begin!"

Norman: "Spinda use Dizzy punch." Spinda began to spin around a bit as it's fist was glowing. It then charged at Sableye, trying to hit him.

Ash: "Use Focus Punch". Sableye was now focusing his mind as he dodges the attack. Once it was focused, he lay a punch on Spinda chest, causing him to launched backwards near Norman

When Spinda was on the ground, there was a cloud of dust in the way, causing Norman to cover his eyes. Once the dust was gone, Spinda was knocked out.

Referee: "Spinda is unable to battle, Sableye is the winner! Trainer send out your next pokemon!" He said as the crowd cheered.

Norman: "You got lucky, Phantom. You won't this time. Go Exploud!" He said as he returned Spinda and brought out Exploud.

Referee: "Exploud vs Sableye, Begin!"

Norman: "Use Ice Beam!" Exploud open his mouth as a light blue orb was formed and was shooting out beams of ice.

Spinda was dodging them as I began to think of a plan.

Ash: "Quick use Scratch." Sableye dodge a beam and ran in front Exploud and scratch his chest, then went back.

Norman: "Use Hyper Voice!" Exploud now began let a loud shout, trying to make Sableye vulnerable.

Ash: "Sableye, stay calm and use Poison jab. I know you can do it." Sableye was able to hear me since he nodded and ran with his left arm steeped in poison. He landed a jab on Exploud's stomach, causing him to be poison. 

Norman: "Damn it! Exploud try to use Focus Blast!" Exploud was trying to focus his power, but couldn't since the Poison is affecting his focus.

Ash: "End this with Focus Punch." Sableye was now focusing his power, getting ready to use it.

Norman: "Exploud, get out of there, now!" Exploud was getting up and moving, but he stop and rest from the Poison.

Sableye now focused his power on his fist and ran at Exploud. He tried to move, but the poison is still affecting him. He was now punch from Sableye sending him to the wall behind Norman, creating a dust cloud. Once it was cleared, Exploud had swirls on his eyes.

Referee: "Exploud is unable to battle, the winner is Sableye." The crowd began to cheer.

Norman: "Now I'm mad! You will not embarrassed me, you weak trainer! Go Slaking!" He then send out his last and powerful pokemon.

Ash: "Sableye, you should go rest buddy. You earned it." I returned Sableye and brought out a gun and shot out a pokeball, summoning Dusknoir.

Referee: "Slaking vs Dusknoir, Begin!"

Norman: "Slaking use Feint Attack!" Slaking first yawn then did an attack on Dusknoir, giving him a bit a damaged due to Ghost's types being weak against Dark-type moves.

Ash: "Dusknoir, are you alright?"

Dusknoir: 'I'm alright Ash, nothing to serious.' I nodded after that.

Ash: "Use Disable." Dusknoir's eye gleamed as Slaking's Feint Attack was now disable for a while.

Norman: 'Damn, there goes my trump card' "Use Focus Punch!" Slaking began to focus his mind and gets ready to use his attack.

Ash: "Use Ice punch" Dusknoir covered his right hand in ice energy and punch Slaking covering him ice. "Now use Brick break." Dusknoir began unleashing some punches causing damage to Slaking. 

The ice was broken as Slaking was now covering in wounds and panting hard. Norman was now smirking since this won't be a problem for him and Slaking.

Norman: "Idiot, remember this! Use Slack off!" Slaking was now starting to recover.

Ash: 'Oh Arceus dammit, not this old shit again. Well at least I can that attack again. Your fucked Norman' "Use Disable!" Dusknoir eyes glowed as Slaking's Slack off move is useless.

Norman: "Damn, Slaking use Feint Attack!" Slaking is now running at Dusknoir with a dark-type move.

Ash: "Use Ice Punch!" Dusknoir cover his right hand with ice energy and ran Slaking.

Both attacks collide, creating an explosion. Once it was clear, Slaking was covering in wounds, while Dusknoir is a little bit injured and panting. 

Norman: "Quick use Slack Off!" Slaking tried to use the technique, but couldn't since it was still disable.

Ash: "Dusknoir, end this with Brick break!" Dusknoir quickly landed punches and on the last punch, it sent Slaking to back. The referee went to check on him and see that he has swirls on his eyes.

Referee: "Slaking is unable to able, the winner is Dusknoir, which means that the winner of the match is Ash Phantom!" The whole crowd was now cheering for me.

Norman: "NO!" He was on his knees and look to the ground with anger in his eyes after returning Slaking.

Ash: *Pats Dusknoir on his head* "Great job, buddy. You did an amazing job. I'm proud of you." I said with a smile on my face as Duskoir did an eye smile. I returned him and began to head to the pokemon center.

As I began walking, I heard running behind me. The audience is watching in gasp and shock as I turned around and see Norman with a knife running at me. He tried to stabbed me, but I grabbed his arm that has the knife and hold it. A second later, I did a palm strike directly at his elbow joint, breaking it immidiently. He was now on the ground holding his arm and screaming. To shut him up, I did a roundhouse kick to his face knocking him out. A few minutes later, the police came and took him away, while the traitors are arguing with an officer. I just walked away and head to the Pokémon center.

Ash: 'Another one down, who's next? Will it be one of his kids, or someone else. Guess I have to wait and see.'

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