Phantom vs Champions; 2 v 1 part 2

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No One's P.O.V.

Ash: "Froslass use Blizzard. Double power." He told his Snow Land Pokémon.

Froslass: "Sure thing Ash."

Froslass put more of her power on the powerful Ice attack. The Blizzard is now very strong to go up against. Hydreigon and Togekiss are struggling to fly or even see as the blizzard is getting in their eyes.

Lance: "Quick use Fire Blast!" He said quickly to his Brutal pokemon.

Hydreigon sends a big ball of fire to Froslass ,but it wasn't even halfway there since it was immidiently frozen.

Cynthia: "Aura Sphere!" The Jubilee pokemon gathers aura energy and sends it to Froslass.

Unfortunately the wind pressure of the Blizzard sent the attack back at Togekiss face causing damage.

Ash: "Finish this battle with Ice Shards." 

Froslass quickly sends a barrage of frozen ice spikes at the two pokemon, creating more damage. Since they're too cold and too wounded to even move, they fainted.

Referee: "Hydreigon and Togekiss are unable to battle! The winner of this match is Froslass!Trainers sent out your next pokemon!"

Lance: *returns Hydreigon after thanking him* 'Damn another one down. This is really tough and I'm the dragon master Lane.'

Cynthia: *returns Togekiss after thanking her* 'Wow that's three down. Ashy really is a powerhouse.'

Lance: "Go Haxorus!" He sends his Axe Jaw Pokémon. 

Cynthia: "Spiritomb, Win this!" She sends her Forbidden Pokémon.

Ash: "Froslass come back you need to rest. Good job." Froslass nodded happily and return to her trainer's side. He patted her head and brings out his next Pokémon. His trusted partner. "Mimikyu, Spook them" He sends his Disguise Pokémon.

Referee: "Battle Begin!" He brings down the flags.

Lance: "Quick use Earthquake!" Haxorus raised his foot and brings it down, causing the ground to shake.

Cynthia: "Dark Pulse!" It sends a wave of darkness energy at Mimikyu.

Ash: "Use psychic to float and avoid both attacks."

Mimikyu use his psychic powers on him, making him float to avoid the tremor and dark pulse. It work since both attacks weren't affecting him.

Ash: "Dazzling Gleam."

Mimikyu emits a powerful flash. It's super effective against the two opposing Pokémon. They're standing but are very injured.

Lance: "Outrage!" Haxorus is now on a rampage and began attacking.

Cynthia: "Ominous Wind!" Spiritomb sends a gust of repulsive wind.

Ash: "Protect." Mimimyu creates a protective barrier, stopping the attacks from getting to him. "Finish this with Dazzling Gleam." 

The Disguise Pokémon sends another powerful flash at his opponents, creating a smoke cloud. The smoke cleared out revealing the two Pokémon fainted.

Referee: "Haxorus and Spiritomb are unable to battle! The winner is Mimikyu! Trainers send out your next pokemon!"

Lance: "Wow Ash. 4 Pokémon down and you haven't lost any. That's really amazing." Said Lance as he returned Haxorus.

Cynthia: "I'm more surprise that your beating two champions on your own Ashy." 'It's getting me hot' She thought as she returned Spiritomb.

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