3 Rivals in 1 battle part 1

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No One's P.O.V.

Announcer: "Welcome ladies and Gentlemen to the 3 on 3 battle matches. In the beginning, we had trainers, gym leaders, elite four, and champions all over the world come together compete in single matches to make it to the top. 30 trainers are out of the competition, leaving at least 90 trainers left to be the Pokémon champion. Now, these trainers will compete in a 3-man team until it the remaining trainers compete for the semi-finals. Without further ado, let's begin the first match.

Ash P.O.V.

I'm at the competitors stand waiting for match to begin. I'm wearing a pink dress shirt, black slacks, black oxfords, black dress coat, red-tint glasses, and my pink fur coat.

 I'm wearing a pink dress shirt, black slacks, black oxfords, black dress coat, red-tint glasses, and my pink fur coat

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(I don't own this image, he isn't smiling and his glasses are the red tint ones)

?????: "You ready for our match loser?!"

?????: "Please like he would win."

?????: "With those weak elites, I doubt he'll beat us."

Ash: "Coming from 3 guys who were so pissed, that they left in humiliation. All three of you lost to me at a league. In front of millions of people, you lost to me. I may not won the leagues, but I got farther than all three of you. Think about that." I then left without seeing there pissed of faces. I then  stand between my two teammates getting ready for our battle. 

?????: "Ready to battle, Ash?"

Ash: "Yes. Let's hope they can put up a challenge."

?????: "We'll show them who's weak. After all, we have you."

Announcer: "Next up we have Team Rival: Gary Oak, Paul Shinji, and Trip Shooty (Don't know his last name) Vs. Team Phantom: Hoenn Elite four Glacia, Kalos Elite four Malva, and Ash Phantom!" The crowd cheered as our team picture was display. Team Rival had all three of them crossing their arms and smirking at the camera in an arrogant tone. Our team photo was of me looking at the camera with my hands in my pocket, with a bored look on my face, while both Glacia and Malva had their arms around mine and leaning towards me while smiling at the camera. The funny thing is that I'm wearing Malva's round red-tint pink sunglasses, while she wears mine.

Ash: "Well then ladies, shall we?" I said as I offer my arm like a gentleman. Both of them nodded and talked my hand as we began walking to the field together.

As we made to the field, I was looking straight at the 3 jackasses, while my teammates were smirking at the other women in the competitors stand, who were pissed at them. The referee then begins to talk.

Referee: The match between team Rival and team Phantom is about to begin. Each trainer is allowed 3 pokemon each. Once a team is unable to continue, the match will end and the winning team will head to the next round. Mega evolutions are allowed. Moves like U-Turn and Baton pass are also allowed. Now trainers send out your first pokemon!"

Rivals: "Go Blastoise! Electivire, stand by for battle!, Conkeldurr, end this!" Gary sent out his Blastoise, Paul sends Electivire, and Trip choose Conkeldurr."

Phantom: "Blast them Torkal!, Walrein go!, Spook them Mismagius." We then sent our pokemon.

Referee: "Battle Begin!"

Rivals: "Blastoise use Hydro Pump on that Torkal! Use Thunder on Walrein! Destroy that ghost with Stone edge!" Blastoise shoots high level of water from it's cannons, Electivire, sends thunder at Walrein, and Conkeldurr, began throwing sharp stones.

Ash: "Mismagius, be a dear and use Protect, please." 

Mismagius: 'Of course, Ash.'  Mismaguis created a big shield to protect her and her teammates.

Malva: "Thank you, Ash. Use Earthquake!" 

Ash: "Please use Psychic and lift Walrein up." Mismagius did what I requested and lifted the Ice Break pokemon, so that he wouldn't be affect from the attack. She also wouldn't be affected thanks to her ability, Levitate.

Being trained by an elite four, Torkal lifted her leg and brought it down creating a big earthquake. The Rivals pokemon were a injured, but Electivire being an electric type was more injured.

Glacia: "Use Blizzard on that Blastoise!" It summoned a blizzard and it affected the water type. Since it was trained by an elite four, it had a higher chance of freezing it's opponent. I was right as Blastoise was now frozen.

Malva: "Use flame wheel on the frozen Blastoise!" Torkal then went to his shell, spins around with fire around and was heading at Blastoise.

Trip: "Stop it stone edge!" Conkeldurr began to throw sharp stones again.

Ash: "Use Psychic and you know what to do with it." Mismagius nodded and use her attack to stop and hold the stones.

A second later, she sends the stones at the injured Electivire and defeating it. Torkal also made contact with Blastoise, knocking him out.

Referee: "Blastoise and Electivire are unable to battle. Send out your next pokemon."

Gary: *Scowls as he returned Blastoise* "You got lucky there, but no for long loser. Go Nidoqueen!"

Paul: *Returns Electivire* "Drapion, stand by for battle!"

Referee: "Begin!"

Glacia: "Use Sheer Cold on Nidoqueen!"

Paul: "Stop it with Poison Fang!"

The Drapion was running at Walrein with glowing purple fangs, getting ready to poison it. 

Ash: "Stop it with Shadow Ball." Mismagius created a ball of darkness and sends it at Drapion with speed. Once it made contact, Drapion was stopped and the Sheer cold hit Nidoqueen, causing her elimination. "Now use Psychic on that Conkeldurr."

She nodded and use her psychic powers and send Conkelduur out of the ring with swirls on his eyes.

Referee: "Nidoqueen and Conkeldurr are unable to battle. Trainers send out your next/final pokemon!"

Gary: *returns Nidoqueen*"Now I'm pissed! Go Umbreon!"

Trip: *returns Conkeldurr*"You won't stand a chance against this. Tranquill, end this!"

Both of them send out there next/ final pokemon.

Referee: "Begin!"

Ash: 'Just keep it coming assholes. Soon you'll be beaten again.'

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