Ready for the Big Battles

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Ash P.O.V.

After my battle with that little boy, I felt nothing. Humiliating those I once considered friends and family, did nothing to appease me. Well maybe a little. Was this really revenge or just a way to screw them. Perhaps a little bit of both. I smirk evilly about it. All they ever did was work so hard to reach their goals, only for me to be there and stopped as they fall to the fiery pits of failure and embarrassment. The smirk was off my face, since I realized all I ever did to humiliate them was just losing one battle. This wasn't what I thought for revenge. The bottle of Gin on my hand began to crack as I'm gripping it tightly. This was all just a waste of my and my pokemon's time! All for fame and fortune, which wasn't worth shit to me. I threw the bottle at the wall and watch it break, as glass and liquor was on the wall and floor. I began to calm down a bit as I sat down and began to smoke a cigar. As I smoked, I hear the phone ringing. I sighed loudly as I picked up the phone.

Ash: "Hello?" I said agitated

Lance: "Hey Ash, it's Lance."

Ash: "Oh Arceus dammit." I muttered away from the phone. "What is it this time Lance?"

Lance: "Since the finals are coming up, I'm wondering if you'll just us for dinner at the Rayquaza Restaurant?"

Ash: *Sighs* "... what time?" 

Lance: "7pm. Please dress formally." He said in a happy tone.

Ash: "Whatever. Goodbye." I hung up the phone.

Then out of anger, I picked it up and threw it at the wall, causing it to break. I wanted to be alone to smoke and drink, but now that's ruin. With a another sigh leaving my mouth, I got and put out then cigar, then head to the showers.

Time skip 

I came out of the showers and began to change. I'm wearing a black dress shirt with black slacks and dress shoes, a dark purple tie and vest, and a dark purple fur coat over my shoulder. I also have my rings and my pendant on me. As soon as it hit 6:40, I left saying goodbye to my pokemon. As I'm walking, I see that it's getting dark and the street lights are on. There's people everywhere just going on with their lives. After 10 minutes of walking, I finally made it to the restaurant. As I walked in, a waitress greeted me.

Waitress: "Hello, Mr. Phantom. Table for one?"

Ash: "No thank you. I was invited to a private dinner by Lance."

Waitress: " Ah yes. Please follow me."

I followed her upstairs as I see the rest of contestants along with the others who lost, all seated at a big round table. I took my seat, and the waitress gave me the menu then left. As I'm looking on what to eat, Lance began to talk to me.

Lance: "So Ash, you ready for the finals?"

Ash: "I guess." I said bored as I'm looking at the menu.

Alder: "You don't seem that excited kid."

Ash: "That's because I'm not."

Steven: "Why is that?"

Ash: "The reason I came here was to just destroy those that betrayed me."

Flint: "That's it? You don't want the money? Fame? Or Glory?"

Ash: "No." I said as I tightened the menu.

Drake: "Hm. Many came just for that. Yet, you only came for revenge." 

Ash: "Yes." I said as I tighten the menu more forcefully.

Koga: "You do realize. Revenge isn't the answer."

Ash: "To me it was." I tighten the menu more, almost ripping it.

Lucian: "Did you actually get it? Your revenge?"

Ash: "NO!" I said as I ripped the menu.

All around the table was silent. They never once see Ash mad. Not even when he was a kid. This all shows that he isn't Ash Ketchum anymore.

Ash: "Before you called me, I was in a real pissed off mood. I realized that I did was just defeat them in one fuckin battle. That's it! I waited for a long time in to destroy them and what did it get me? Just competing in pokemon battles as if I'm ten years old again. This was a waste of my time. Especially my pokemon's time. I realized that I should have just destroy the traitors alone, instead of just competing, but what's done is done."

Lance: "Was this the only you came here?"

Ash: "What do you think? You think I care about fame and fortune. I'm Ash Phantom. I went from being a small ten year old boy, who was betrayed by his loved ones, to owning one of the most successful business in the world. I have more money than I know what to do with it. Fame, look at me. I'm a Casino Owner, the richest man in the world, voted most fabulous man, which I instantly regret, I already have everything  trainers all over the world competed for. This so called Master Battle Tounrament, is nothing more than a joke." All were silent until the champion of Sinnoh talked.

Cynthia: "Look Ash, I understand that you can never forget what they did to you in the past, but eventually you need to move on. You won. They lost and were humiliated because of their violent actions. It's time to let go."

Ash: "Believe me, I will move on."

Aaron: "What do you mean?"

Ash: "Once this entire tournament is over, I'm leaving the fuck out of here."

All: "What!!!!!"

Ash: "You all heard me."

Lance: "That's it?! You're leaving! Your not going to compete in the pokemon leagues anymore?!"

Ash: "That's right. I'm not a little kid anymore. I already have a successful future, even if it doesn't involve battling. I'm sorry that I'm not the cheerful little boy many of you once knew, but things change. A boy eventually becomes a man. After I was betrayed, I was already thinking myself of an adult." All were silent once they realized I was right. I then stand up. "Excuse me, but I lost my appetite. I need to prepare for the finals. I'll see around." I then began to walk home. I also put my fur coat over Elesa, since I saw that she was freezing.

 Once I left the restaurant, I began to head to my room. The finals are coming up and I need to just get it over with. Might as well show my skills to bring more business. Hope fully those three employees of mine are ready to handle more guests.

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