The Delivery

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I stand up. Swaying slightly from getting up too fast. I contiue to look around in disbelief. I'm in a game. I am no longer part of the human world and am now in my TV.

"Dope ig"

I take a few steps forward. The grass seems real enough. So does the water and trees. It's real calm too. I hear the wind blowing, and fish jumping in the water, as well as the chirp of birds.

"So why do I feel impending Doom coming soo-"

"Get the fuq out the way dumb bitch!!!!!"

I turn around super quickly and I see the one, the only, the real deal. My senpai, Sonic. Whirling towards my at a speed that would surely kill me.

"AHAHHAHAHAHHHHHH," I scream as I shed a tear. But I'm too late. He hits me and I go soaring into the nearest water source. I feel the water push against me and i feel like I'm dying. I probs am.

The water forces itself into my mouth and I feel it starting to choke me. I'm no mad at it tho cause I'm still kinky lol uwu. As I'm moaning in pleasure from being choked from the water. Two small hands grab my arms and start to pull me up. And I was so close too. Anyway the hands pull me to land and I start coughing up water.

"Who are you," I manage to push out.

"My name's Tails. Are you okay," he says grabbing my shoulder.

"RAP- oh wait Tails I know you," I shudder in embarrassment. I mean you always gotta be prepared to call rape on someone. I take a whole second to look over my savior. His cleanly groomed fur glistens in the sunlight and a twinkle glimmers from his handsomely shiny teeth. His eyes bore into mine as confusing waves in his blue orbs.

"You know me? Wait why are you crying???," He says cradling my face in his large, warm hands.

"Senpai tried to kill me," I wail out.

"Wtf," i hear Tails mumble under his breath, "who's senpai???"

"Sonic you dumb bitch," I say falling into his arms still sobbing.

He doesn't respond to this instead opting to stay silent and allow me to cry into his fur screaming.

"I spend my life loving that peice of shit for him to just run me over and almost kill me. That's it I'm done. Sonic we are over!!!" I scream into the skies. Then my vision filled with dust.

"Hunny I don't even know who you are," and as the dust clears I see him. His royal blue fur. His large dominant eyes.. his huge di- mples.. his glistening shoes in the artificial sunlight.. size 16 and 1/2.. the perfect size for the perfect man.. his strong hands that'd look amazing around my neck and in other places cause daddies love kinky little girls uwuuuu.. After staring for a few seconds to long he impatiently taps his heel. God what I would do to be under those shoes. Anywayyy

"Hellooo are you just gonna stand there peasant," after his words I shake my head.

"No senpai i-i was just l-looking for you. I-im your greatest fan senpai I've been waiting for you my entire life for you," I sit up on my knees, clasping my hands infront of him and lokking at his deep soulfully eyes with a kawaii look on my face.

"Like I said I don't know what the duck you are," he said running a hand through his spikes and rolling his eyes to the point where I could only see the whites of his eyes. My God it was hot.

I get up quickly and bow my head in respect."I'm (y/n)-chan"

"(Y/n)-chan eh. That's hot," he said pulling on the chain around his neck.

After standing up I take a moment to truly bask in his perfection. He had three chains around his neck, one with a lock on it, one normal one and one that I'm pretty sure is a dog chain... That's hot. He was wearing a slipnot(?????) Shirt with a stripped long sleeve under it and over-sized ripped jeans that had tuff's of blue fur sticking out of the holes. He also had a dog collar wrapped around his wrist which is cool ig... After appreciating his edgy style I looked into his eyes and almost died. I could hear the angles singing as we made contact and my heart rate quicken ❤️.

"You know you're pretty hot for an alien. Wanna fuc-i mean date me," he said eyeing up and down.

"Yes please date me senpai!!!" I yell as tears shed from my orbs. I jump into his arms and the smell of fur immediately fills my senses as he catches me in his big strong hedgehog arms.

"Hell yeah babe," he says as he picks me up bridal style and runs me away into the sunset.

Tails looks at the trail left behind by e-sonic and that other really weird chic. He stands there silently until he starts to fly himself up a little bit.

"What in the ever loving fuck did I just witness."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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