Episode 1: Holding Out For A Hero Part 1

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Knock, knock, knock!

Jason finished the paragraph, flipped to the next page, then looked up, "Come in."

An imposing figure stepped in, a man weathered by war and age, but still as handsome as he was in his youth. He smiled. "Jason." He sat beside his grandson on the bed. "What book are you reading?"

Jason closed the book, using his finger to keep his page. "A Clockwork Orange."

His grandfather smiled. "Is this a joke?"

Jason feigned ignorance. "Why, Grandfather, I have no idea what you're talking about."

J'son sighed, resulting himself by his grandson. "You know, your father was somewhat of an Alex, once." He pressed a hand to his forehead. "It was a miracle he didn't get himself killed in his formative years."

Jason wrinkled his nose. "Pretty sure Dad wasn't a psychopath."

"No, he wasn't." J'son smiled. "But he did happen to have a nose for trouble."

"Trouble?" Jason snorted. "He slept with an A'askavariian, for star's sake." They shared at laugh over it. Whenever Jason had put his walls up, not even his own father could tear them down. But his grandfather always knew how to sneak past the defenses. He had yet figure J'son out, but he never minded.

He took a bookmark from the stand and set in between the pages. He lingered on the bookmark's design: A vivacious young lady holding a sprawling baby, standing next to a rugged young man. He traced the woman's hair with his finger. "Is that her?" He saw her image many times, he knew who she was, but it never was the same every time.

"Yes," A hand settled on his shoulder. "She's your grandmother."

"She's pretty," he turned to the emperor. "What was she like?"

J'son stiffened, "She's a part of you, as much as your father is," he gently pulled away. "Jason ... there's something I need to tell you."

Jason drew in a sharp breath. He knew that tone.

"You've met a member of my council, S'las." J'son searched for the right words. "I believe you know his daughter, L'ssa?"

"Yeah," Jason nodded warily. He never liked S'las, who looked down on his father for his Terran half. To him, Peter's children were no better. "Why?

J'son sighed, searching for the right words. "One of the members of my council ... proposed a ... union ... of sorts."

"I-I-I," Jason tried to breathe, but no air entered his lungs. "Y-you mean ..." he couldn't say it. He always knew that this day would come, but he never expected it to be this soon. His father didn't get married until his thirties. He was barely eighteen.

"Jason," his grandfather cut through his thoughts. "You're not getting married. You just need to put up a performance." J'son pulled him back. "Just put up a performance. Your parents and I will handle everything else." His eyes softened. "I will do everything I can to make sure that this union will not happen. Do you understand?"

Jason to a deep breath, trying to clear his head. "I-I-I," he nodded faintly. "I can try."

"Good," J'son straightened up. "I wouldn't have it any other way."


"What should I do?" Jason groaned, falling back. "Ugh, what could S'las be thinking?"

"Kid," Rocket lit up the welder, spraying sparks. "I spaced out ten minutes ago. Intentionally."

"Rocket!" Jason groaned. "I'm having an existential crisis!"

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