Episode 2: Holding Out For A Hero Part 2

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Previously ...


J'son sighed, searching for the right words. "One of the members of my council ... proposed a ... union ... of sorts."

"Bro, what the hell?!" Meredith shrieked, "Mom and Dad are pissed! You know, you could've told me you were leaving! Or at least drag me along! Seriously, what kinda big bro are you? I'm growing out my hair just so I can pull it out!" Her fingers were gripped tightly on her short red locks, emphasizing her point.

Jason ran in, looking for his pod. But what he found was a scrapheap. He sighed, turning to one of the larger ships. He was about to walk off when a whistle cut him off short.

"Well, Boyo," Yondu smiled. "Fancy seeing you around'er."


"Huh," Jason picked at his jacket. "I always wondered what I looked like in leather."

He wore a Ravager overcoat over a grey shirt and dark trousers. His Elemental Blasters were holstered on his belt. Since Yondu didn't want the crew getting any ideas, it was "suggested" that Jason get a change of clothes.  He kept his old clothes folded under his bunk.

"You do, don't ya?"  Kraglin came up from behind, smirking. "So, how's Quill?"

Jason shrugged nonchalantly.  "We're not close, if that's what you're wondering."

That threw the first mate off guard.  "Huh," he crossed his arms.

"Well, what'd you expect?"  Jason smoothed his hair back, combing the dirty locks with his hands.  "In case you haven't noticed," he rubbed the side of his face, smoothing down his stubble.  "I'm not exactly the 'Ravager' type."

Kraglin snorted, covering his face with his hand. "You n' I are not gonna get along."

"It's Jay, not Quill."  Jason straightened up his jacket one more time. "The last thing I need to jumped because of my old man."

He pushed passed the pirate, heading for the hangar.  The captain had a job for them, and was holding a meeting beforehand. Jason was tagging along, saying it was only fair that he earned his keep.

"Now, let's get this over with," Yondu called over the grumbling crew.  "Same as always: no fighting, no thieving, and no killing 'less the bastard deserved it."  It was the same yada yada as always, but Jason listened intently.  Any loophole was effectively an advantage, and any advantage was a chance.  And by now, he was willing to take chances.

Kraglin was paired up with the new kid, just to be on the safe side.  But everyone knew what was really going on: they needed to keep an eye on little Jay.  If anywhere went south, Kraglin would knock some sense back into him.

Jason shuffled through his pockets, searching for a spare trinket.  While he normally approved function over fashion, it was truly disturbing how many pockets the Ravager jackets had and how disorganized they were.  And, if Jason was being honest, he was a bit of a neat freak.

His fingers wrapped around something dry, crumbling stuff.  He frowned, pulling his hand out. It was a food bar, half eaten and already going green.

"Seriously?" He held it up to Kraglin.

"Hey, I was wondering where that went." The first mate snatched it up and bit into it, much to Jason's dismay.

Jason shrugged it off.  "I've seen worst."  Kraglin nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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