Judgement Night

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My phone started vibrating as I walked away from it, not realizing that I missed two calls from Jughead.

Deciding not to call him, I texted him: 'I'm okay. At register with mom'. And sent it to him.

What I didn't realize that outside, there was a riot for the release of Fangs Fogarty and others who were against it, not knowing that Fangs was shot in the stomach by Midge's mom.

And ever since I got here, I've had a sinking suspicion that I would need to get to Jughead, and as the minutes ticked by, the feeling would be getting stronger and stronger.

Just as I set it down, my phone started vibrating again, this time it was Cheryl who was calling.

"Cheryl," I answered it.

"The Black Hood just attacked me at Thistlehouse," Cheryl said.

"Oh, my gosh," I said. "Was it my dad?"

"Based on waistline alone, it could've been him, yes," Cheryl said. "Luckily, I was able to get to my archery set and hunting cape."

"You didn't kill him, right?" I said, my heart beating faster and faster.

"No," Cheryl said. "I shot to wound, hit him in the right shoulder. He's fled into the woods, where I plan to track him. But just in case he escapes my clutches, be forewarned. Now that he's a maimed animal, he's operating on instinct, ready to lash out and kill anyone in his path, even his loved ones."

"I'm gonna call my mom and Betty to warn them," I said.

"That's probably a good idea," Cheryl said. "Just be careful. See you later, cousin."

I hung up and dialed Alice.

"GraceLynn, thank goodness," Alice answered. "Mom, are you okay? Have you seen dad?"

I put her on speaker phone and began gathering my things into my backpack.

"He's out covering the riot," Alice said. "Honey, where are you and Betty? The streets aren't safe. You two need to get here."

"I'm headed there, but stay where you are, okay?" I said.

"I'm not going anywhere," Alice said. "It's a big night for the Register. If it bleeds, it leads. Get over here now."

"See you in a bit, Mom," I hung up and dialed Betty, walking out of the Town Hall.

"Gracie?" Betty answered. "Where are you? What's going on? Did you know there's a riot outside?"

"Not until mom called me," I said. "Meet me at the Register now."

"But what about work?" Betty asked.

"What matters more right now, Betty?" I said. "Work or family?"

"Family does, you know that," Betty said. "But I can't leave my post, and besides, I'm locked in."

I sighed, hanging up, climbing into my car and drove to the Register, where Hermione was talking with Alice.

"Whenever you're ready, Hermione," Alice said.

"As a mayoral candidate, I feel it's important to take charge in times of crisis," Hermione said. "Like this riot, which I believe is brought about by the actions of the Black Hood. Which is why I would like to offer a bounty. One million dollars to whoever can deliver the Black Hood. Alive or preferably, dead."

"A bounty?" I asked. "What are you talking about? Is it even legal?"

"The Black Hood is an active shooter on the streets of Riverdale," Hermione said. "He tried to kill one of your classmates outside the Sheriff's station." She leaned back in her chair.

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