Intro Pt.2

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Serenity's Pov:

{Timety Skipity brought to you by Avocado hair dye}

"Now, its time to make you all look cute and spiffy." Monokid said, drawing me out of my daze. 'Shit... I was zoned out for a while-' My thoughts were cut off, when clothes popped out of the Exisal's hatch. Then, in sailor moon fashion, my clothes disappeared, and were replaced with new ones. I now wore a dark, greyish-green hoodie, that had greenish-brown stripes on the upper part of the sleeves, and a black tank top under it. Black jeans, Black and brown shoes, Black earrings, one with an ear cage, and a dark green backpack that was adorned with a few charms. when the 'sparkles' settled, I looked over at my twin. She wore an outfit similar to mine, except her hoodie had a bow stitched on one breast, the stripes on the sleeve looked like arrows, and her shoes were just black. She looked over at me, her eyes wide in surprise at our new clothes. "Ok. once you guys see the flashback light, we can start this story for real." Akane looked over at the bears, " What sto-" our vision blurred, "Ak-" was the only thing I could say, before my world turned black.

Serenity's Pov:
I woke up in darkness. It was pitch black, and confining. I kinda liked it. I didn't have to deal with people, and their noise. I sighed, 'Maybe I could stay here forever, and never have to talk to anyone.' I thought to myself. I heard a groan outside of my 'prison' of darkness. My eyes widened as I recognized the voice. I put a hand out, and felt what I realized was the door to a locker. I felt around the door, and found the simple flip-lock. I pushed  the little lever up, and the door opened. I closed my eyes at the sudden amount of light. When I opened them again, I saw my doppelgänger lift her head off a desk, groggily. When she saw me, her eyes widened. "Ser!" She stood up quickly, and tried to run over to me, but ended up tripping over a chair, and falling face first on the ground. "OWWWWWWWWW" I snorted, "That's what you get for trying to rush over to me." She pouted fakely, "Some sister you are!" I stuck my tongue out at her, and she did the same. "Rise And Shine Ursine!" We turned toward the voices, and saw 5 bears pop up out of nowhere. "What the fuck!" Akane cursed in surprise. I just looked at them with my normal unemotional gaze. The pink one spoke up. "Welcome to the Academy for Gifted Juveniles! We are the Monokubs." The yellow one then spoke, "Yous' should probably go meet the others." I narrowed my eyes at them. "What.. others?" The red one spoke up. "The other Ultimate's Of course!" Akane looked at him in slight confusion. The red bear sweat dropped "You guys do know your ultimate's... right?" Akane nodded, "Yes, I'm the Ultimate Archer, and Serenity is the Ultimate Analyst. But, what do you mean by 'The other' Ultimate's?" The bears sighed in relief. "I mean, there are more of you Ultimate's. You should probably go and meet them now." The bears waved, "So Long, Bear Well!" They then disappeared just as quickly as they came. I looked over at Akane. "Do we have to?" She nodded, "Of course we do. Its better to know who all we are gonna be around." I sigh, "Fine. But I'm not gonna try to make 'friends' with anyone." Akane sighed at that, but nodded. "Fair enough. Lets go." She then grabbed me by the hand, and dragged me of of the room. 

                   {Time skip brought to you by  the phrase 'Do RobOtS hAvE dIcKs?'}

Serenity's Pov:

"LET ME TOUCHHHHHH YOUUU" I heard from the room beside me. I looked over at my twin with a frown. "Do we have to-" She nodded, and I groaned. When I opened the door, I saw two people, one was short, with purple hair that stuck out at the ends, A checkered scarf, and the weirdest outfit I have ever seen. He was chasing someone who looked.... like a robot? He had a really cool design, and white hair. While I was studying them, I didn't notice that my sister slipped away, and left me on my own. While I was watching, I shook my head, and decided to step in. I grabbed the short purple gremlin by the scarf, and pulled him away from the robot. "Eh??" He looked behind him, at me. "Why did you stop me?!" He said with what was an obviously fake pout. I rolled my eyes at him, "Because. I feel bad for this guy. Its not everyday you get sexually harassed by a purple midget." The little gremlin had fake tears sprouting from his eyes. "I wasn't sexually harassing himmmm Thoooo. And, I'm not a MiDgEt!!" I rolled my eyes again, and dropped him on the floor. "Ow!" I ignored him, and walked over to the robot. He looked at me with gratitude. "T-thank you. You s-saved me." I shrugged nonchalantly, "Eh. It was no problem."  He smiled at me, "Well, T thanks anyways! My name is K1-B0, But y-you can call me Kiibo! I am the Ultimate Robot." I nodded, "That's cool. I'm Serenity. The ultimate analyst. Don't expect me to talk too much. I'm not gonna make friends with people I wont know for a while." He looked sad, but before he could say anything back, the midget spoke up. "Awww No Faiiiiiir! Don't hog all the spotlight!! And, she probably dosent want to hang out with YoU anyway. Who would wAnT to hang out with a robot?~" He turned to me  before Kiibo could make a remark, "My name is Kokichi Oma. III am the Ultimate supreme leader.~" I looked at him, unimpressed. "Fun, Well I should go now. I have to find someone." As I started to leave, Kokichi darted in front of me. "Waiiiit! Ser-Channnnnnn!" I frowned at him, "First, Don't call me that. Second, I have to go find my sister." I walked around him, and waved a farewell to Kiibo, then headed off to fine Akane. Little did I know, a certain shorty was frowning at the fact that he didn't get a goodbye...

{{FINALLY. I FINISHED IT. Don't forget to vote on who should be the mastermind in the A/N at the beginning~ Have a nice day ^^}}

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