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Real Life

I had to suck it up. I just jumped to conclusions two months ago. It probably hurt her. But I was hurt too. Even without knowing exactly what was going on, it hurt that he was calling her baby. She was my baby.

I guess everyone is right. I need to talk to her. She probably moved on. I know how Rylah is, she can't sit with no interaction. Like we talked about, we are fuck and duck people. We don't catch feelings, we are just in it for a quick fuck. I'm not gonna lie I definitely did do a quick fuck after the breakup.

I had to clear my mind. I knew that the guys and other girls would probably hate me but that's besides the point. I did let Diamond slide through. Even Sammi. I was bored and trying to get my mind off Rylah. None of it was any use. She is always on my mind. Maybe we can sort this out. I don't know anymore.

I dialed her number.

"Hello" She said on the other end. Her voice sounded raspy. It was low and almost torn sounded. Like she was losing her voice.

"Rylah" I said. I heard a gasp from the other end.

"Yes Zion" She said.

"I think we should talk"

"Well that's what we're doing now so what about it" She said.

"That's not what I mean, like in person"

"Where Zion" She said sounding annoyed.

"At the cafe"

"Be there in a half hour or I'm leaving" She said hanging up. I sighed. It sounds like she doesn't want anything to do with me. I wouldn't either. I did what she thought I was going to do but I'm pretty sure that she did the same. I got ready to leave for the cafe.

I drove to the cafe with sweat dripping off of me. I was completely nervous. I can't let her know that I'm nervous. I can't let it show how much this broke me. I can't let it hurt me like I know it does.

I made it to the cafe and saw Rylah sitting at our old spot. She was drinking water. She looked so good but she probably isn't stuck on me like I am on her. I need to move on.

"Hey" I said sitting down. She looked up at me and gave a slight smile. I returned it.

"So what did you want to talk about" She asked.

"Just how are you doing" I said.

"I'm fine, I've been getting myself together"

"That's great"

"What about you. What have you been up to"

"Ummm I've been doing music. I was going to have Nick pick Kobe up so they can both stay over"

"Ok, that'll be fine. So you have been better I guess"

"Yea, you did me a favor. I get to work on my music more and im getting better. Giving the fans more" I said.

"Oh" She said. Her mood changed slightly.

"I totally understand. I'm happy for you" She said giving her fakest smile. I could see right through her. She was completely broken and she was hiding something.

"Is there something you want to tell me" I asked. Her mood dropped completely and she looked at her phone.

"Umm I have to go, I'll make sure Nick picks up Kobe. Thank you" She said as she left. I was confused but understanding. She probably wasn't comfortable anymore. She probably couldn't stay for more than the hour we were there. I called Edwin.

"I fucked up Ed, I gave her the wrong impression" I said. He sighed.

"Only you" He said.


I called Nick.

"I fucked up Nick, I didn't tell him" I said.

"Why" He asked.

"He is better without me. He definitely doesn't want my baby. I'm sorry but I just couldn't" I said tearing up.

"He damn sure isn't better without you. Broken maybe. But it's ok you didn't tell him yet" He said.

"Ok" I said and I hung up. I drove home and cried.

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