Chapter 4- Detention

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Out of all the horrible outcomes you imagined that morning, none of which were anything like this.

You marched out the cafeteria and ducked down a hallway to be alone with your own distress.

You found a corner and plopped yourself down on the floor, wishing you could wipe this day out of existence. Wishing you would wake up and happily realize it was all just a bad dream. But it wasn't. You even lightly pinched yourself to make sure.

Your mind couldn't help but continuously replay the moments that had just occurred. Remembering the stunned faces of the students, the snarled words of the horrid Ms. Bitters, and most of all, Zim's face, and the look of pure bewilderment on it.
I wonder why he looked like that, you wondered to yourself.
Maybe he's just so used to being treated like an alien. Thanks to Dib of course.

A small part of you wanted to say you regretted your decision to help Zim, but deep down you knew that no one, no matter how otherworldly or strange, deserved to be treated like that.

After focusing so much on your thoughts, you forgot you had class in a few minutes, and couldn't possibly sit in class drenched from head to toe.

You thought about what you could do to dry off, even just a little. Just so that you wouldn't leave a puddle everywhere you went. You sloshed over to the lost and found, thinking it could supply something in this moment of desperation. Not to your surprise, however, everything there was either too small or simply disgusting. You weren't THAT desperate. Not enough to give yourself lice.

You considered the only other thing you could think of, which involved standing under the hot air dryer in the bathroom. You decided this was the best, and honestly, the only choice, so you made your way to the washrooms.

Although you were still damp, you managed to squeeze and dry most of the excess liquid out of your clothes. While you were dryer, your body still hadn't fully warmed up, making you feel slightly chilly.

"I think I can survive like this until I get home." You told yourself.

You walked over to the fingerprint littered bathroom mirror and tried to fix your hair. The best you could do was brush your fingers through it, and pray it wouldn't dry a knotted, frizzy mess.


You heard the bell, alerting you to head back to class. This you did swiftly, not wanting to get any further on Ms. Bitters' bad side. Not to say that she necessarily had a good one.

You opened the door to the classroom, and as you stepped in, you could feel the eyes of twenty-something students lock onto you as you walked your damp body over to your desk.

Zim and Dib were also looking at you. You gave Zim a little wave, but he didn't return the gesture. As for Dib, you just gave him a cold sideways glance, really wanting to just walk up to him and give him a good taste of your fist.

(Zim's POV)

Zim watched you walk in, along with the other students.

I don't understand. Zim thought,

Why did this filthy human willingly assist me?

Zim watched as you gave him a wave, but he didn't know if he should wave back.

What if she knows I'm not human! What if she is like Dib and wants to be the first to capture me and do research on my organs, my precious organs!

The thought made Zim nervously sweat.

NO! Zim thought, regaining his confidence

I am an IRKEN INVADER! We do not cower before HUMANS. Or any other species for that matter.

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