Chapter 9- GIRs Just Wanna Have Fun (Part 1)

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It had been two weeks since the day Zim demanded you be his friend, but frankly, it was not at all what you expected.

Each day was a new battle between Zim and Dib, which you didn't actually mind. The battles gave some thrill to your terribly average life. Dib would always come up with these overly thought out ways to hurt Zim, and Zim would simply summon you like a drone and demand you put an end to it. You liked helping Zim, that wasn't the problem. The problem you were facing, was your and Zim's one-sided friendship.
When he first asked you, in your mind, you thought it would be like the nearly perfect friends you see in the movies. The ones who just mess around and laugh at each other's terrible jokes. The ones who share lunches and play those lame pattycake games together. Yeah, only kindergarteners played those, but even that would be more fun than what you two where doing.

You see, in those two weeks, all you had been doing with Zim is walking around with him and acting as a defense against Dib. It became routine for you. Walk to school, meet Zim, foil Dib's plan to "destroy" Zim, and then escort him home.
You wished you two could get to know each other better, do something fun.

You sat at your desk with your face resting in one of your hands, squishing your cheek on one side. Lunch had just ended and you had just stopped Dib from trapping Zim in an "Anti-Alien Net". You had no idea how Dib came up with these things.

With your free hand, you were holding a purple pen, doodling a picture of you and Zim laughing together on a piece of lined paper.

Looking at it, you let out a light sigh and turned your head a bit to get a glimpse of Zim on the other side of the room. He was just sitting there focussed deeply on fiddling with a pencil.

You just turned your head to your other side and looked out at the grey sky through the window.

- - - - -

You were traveling beside Zim now, walking him to his house. It was silent, neither of you saying a word, which wasn't too out of the ordinary. You were far too lost in your own thoughts to try and start a conversation. Not that your conversations with Zim typically went very far anyway.

You both stopped in front of the strange yard and Zim left your side, walking up the same concrete steps. Every step he took made you feel more and more defeated. This showing in your hunched, mopey appearance.

"Good work today Y/N human. We shall continue our friendship tomorrow."

The door swung open revealing the same eerie, doll-faced parents you had the great privilege of viewing every day now.

However, to both your and Zim's surprise, Gir in his dog suit came speeding out the house and jumped on top of you, causing you to fall back onto your butt.

"I ReMemBer YOoouU!" he squealed. His googly eyes staring at you with joy.
"Did you bring FoOd?!"

You smiled at the adorable dog, trying to ignore the fact that he could speak full-on sentences.

"Uh no, sorry buddy-"


Just then, a great idea popped into your head. An almost evil, plotting smirk growing on your face.

"Buuuut, if you help me with something, I can bring you whatever food you-"


"Okay Okay, pizza! But you have to help me first."

You lowered your voice a bit and continued.

"Okay Gir, don't tell Zim I told you to do this, but I want you to ask Zim to take you to the park so I can go with you and hang out with him."

Gir hopped off you and saluted, raising a little black paw to his head and sticking out his tongue. This, of course, was adorable to witness.

Zim stood on the steps, growing annoyed, keeping his arms crossed and impatiently tapping one foot.

"Gir! What do you think you're doing! Stop that this instant and get back inside!"

Gir waddled up to Zim and looked up at him. The little dog overflowing with innocence.

"Can we go to the paarrk?"

Zim just looked down at him with a stern expression.

. . .



The most deafening scream came out of the tiny dog's mouth as he rolled and flailed around, tumbling down the steps and trashing the lawn. Gnomes and grass being flung everywhere.

You've never seen a dog have a temper tantrum before, but it was quite entertaining to watch.

Zim just stood there forcing his eyes shut and gripping the non-existent bridge of his nose.

"GGGgggggaaaaaahgg FINE! WE CAN GO to the park." Zim said, sounding defeated.

"YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!" Gir cried, his tantrum stopping instantly and his upset frown switching into a wide smile.

"Uhhhgg" Zim groaned, closing the door and pulling a leash out of his Pak.

He put the little red collar around Gir's neck and started to walk towards you, Gir being dragged on the ground behind him.

You stood up and dusted yourself off.
"I think it would be wise for me to go with you to the park. You know, just in case Dib is there." You said, coming up with your best excuse.

Zim sized you up, taking a moment to think.

"I suppose you are correct.
Fine, you may accompany Zim to the park."

You smiled knowing your plan was working out well. You didn't really expect it to get this far considering you put your trust into a talking green dog.

Zim walked past you only to stop in his tracks.

"Oh yes, the park. It's uh, this way!" He announced without moving. "No no, of course, it's this way." He added turning 90 degrees to the side.

You quickly realized Zim had absolutely no idea where he was going. Luckily, you had taken some time to explore the town you moved into and knew a park nearby that you could visit.

"You have no idea where it is, do you? I can show you the way if you wa-."

"Zim knows where he's going." He responded with a snarl. "But I'll... let you go first"

You rolled your eyes at his terrible lie and led the boy and his dog to the park.

- - - - -

You could hear the cheers of other kids in the distance as you approached the entrance to the park.

The park was old and rickety. Every piece of equipment was rusted to the extreme and looked like if you played on anything a little too hard, it would just collapse. Because of this, it reminded you of the schoolyard, except instead of it sitting on pure pavement, it was mainly grass with patches of sand surrounding the play items. Some you could recognize from school, like a set of swings, monkey bars, a jungle gym. It also had a few benches which you mentally pointed out to be a good place to sit and rest your feet. You hadn't sat down since school ended, and you still haven't even taken off your backpack.

You stopped in front of it and turned your head to Zim, announcing to him that you had arrived. Zim walked up beside you, Gir now leading with the leash.

"Ok, we got here, time to go home," Zim said bluntly, simply glimpsing at it and starting back the way you came.
You stopped him before he could move much further.

"Hey wait a minute, I overheard Gir saying he wanted to actually PLAY at the park, RIGHT GIR?" You said in Gir's direction, trying your best to make it obvious to the dog what you were trying to do.

"YEAAHHHHHH!!!" He screamed, and he bolted, causing Zim to lose grasp on the leash, allowing him to run into the park.

Zim wasn't concerned or even slightly fazed, he just let out a grumbled "Fine" and walked with you into the park as well.

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