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I was still in bed, me and the boys were watching movies while eating a tonne of crap and junk food.

"What shall we watch next? And when exactly are we going to the mall?"

"Scrap the mall let's watch titanic" Ashton said putting titanic in the DVD player

"I've never seen titanic" Luke said and we all gasp in shock.

"What?" I questioned in disbelief "you? Have never seen The Titanic?"

"Well, it didn't interest me that much. I'm pretty sure everyone knows what happens. The boat sinks, right?"

"But, young Lucas, it's so much more then that. It's got so much heart and soul into it, it's a forbidden love that gets ripped apart by a tragedy which is, the boat sinking" Calum spoke softly

"Calum did that really just come out of your mouth?" Luke asked as if he couldn't believe them words just came out of Calum's mouth, apparently they did.


We were nearly at the end of the movie and the ship was sinking, the old people were laying down on their beds together preparing to die. The mother was reading a story to her children so they fell asleep before they all pass away. It's so beautifully done. I could also hear Luke sniffling with the rest of us. We were all crying. A few moments later the film ended.

"Oh my god, couldn't they have both fit on that raft? Then they both would have lived" he cried blowing his nose into his tissue. "I think we need to watch a happy film now. Ashton put 'Up' on" Luke ordered and soon enough all the tears were dried and with laughter.

"Guys when do we have to pack up to get on the tour bus?" I asked and we all looked at the time on our phones. Oh crap.

My One And Only// Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now