Chapter 9: Our Story

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"What?"Rosie said. "Listen...I don't want to cause any more trouble with you,okay?"Justina said as she stood up. Rosie bit her lip and asked,"What's the catch?" Justina smiled and said,"There isn't one." Rosie crossed her arms and said,"Okay...I still think there is something...but fine." Justina walked upstairs and called her sister. "She's such a retard,"Justina said quietly. "I mean I know she still thinks something is fishy,but I just started phase one of the operation!" Her sister giggled and said,"That's great sis!" Justina giggled too and said goodbye to her sister and hung up. Rosie went upstairs to her room and got her cell phone from her charger. She had one missed call from Edison. She called back to hear Edison breathing heavily. "Edison? What's wrong?" Edison said,"Rosie...I need you here now."

"I'm on my way!"Rosie said. She picked up her purse and ran all the way to the apartment complex. When she finally got to Edison's door,she banged on it as hard as she could. "Open the door Edison!"she kept yelling. She finally kicked it open,and saw him wheezing and coughing. "Oh my gosh!" You see,Edison has really bad asthma...and he was having an asthma attack. Rosie ran in his bathroom,looking for his inhaler. She finally found it when it was under a towel and a pair of pants. "I guess he got a shower,"she thought. Rosie ran towards Edison,who was heaving for air while he was laying on the floor near the foot of his bed. She lifted his chin up and put the inhaler in his mouth. She spritzed some air and did it again to be sure. He started to cough,and then started breathing in and out deeply.

Edison held Rosie tight and said,"Thank you. I'm glad that you came." Rosie held him just as tight and started running her fingers through his hair. "Of course. I would never want you to get hurt." He smiled at her and she stood up. "Wait...what are you wearing?" he said. "W-what?'s ZEPPELIN! That's like the best classic rock band ever!" she said. He chuckled and stood up. "You need to get a makeover,boo. Trust me. How about tomorrow we go to Hot Topic. And hey,you can even bring Jordan along. What do you say?"

She thought for a minute. "Well...okay. I'll go." She smiled and helped Edison up. He smiled and they kissed each other on the cheek;they were that close with each other. "Bye Edi!"Rosie called as she closed the door to leave. "Bye,Rosie!"he responded. She walked back to her dorm to see Jordan standing there. He was leaned against the door,his arms crossed,and a "sexy" smile across his face. "Hey you,"Rosie said. "Sup." She smiled at him and walked over,wrapped her hands around the back of his neck as he held her around her waist. She smooched him on the lips,smiled and held his hand. "So I have a surprise for you,"Jordan said. "Really? What is it?"Rosie said with a shocked smile on her face. "You'll see. But you need to close your eyes." Rosie but her lip. "What if I fall?"she asked nervously as she spin around and closed her eyes. Jordan chuckled and placed his head on her shoulder and held her waist. "Don't worry...I'll guide you,"he said. He kissed her neck and held her waist as they walked up the stairs to Jordan's dorm. He opened the door and helped her inside. "Open your eyes,"he whispered in her ear. She opened her eyes and saw her sister Erin. "OH MY GOSH!!!"Rosie squealed. "I KNOW!!!" They ran towards each other and held each other tight while they giggled. "What are you doing in Baltimore?"Rosie asked Erin. "Well,yer boyo here texted me last week and told me how much you missed me,so I decided to hop on a plane to visit you!"she said with a wide grin on her face.

"Awww babe!"Rosie said blushing at Jordan. He smiled at her and pulled her in for a smooch. Erin smiled at them."Awwwww! You guys are so cute!"she said. Rosie giggled and Jordan chuckled. Rosie then walked over to Erin,held her hand and looked at Jordan. "Im going to go show her my dorm. I'll be right back,okay babe?" she asked. He nodded and said,"Okay. I love you."

"I love you,too." She walked outside with Erin,when she stopped. "What's wrong?"she asked her sister.Rosie smiled and said,"I forgot to do something." Just as Jordan was about to close the door,Rosie held his hand that was on the knob and kissed him deeply. He was surprised at first but melted in her mouth. When they stopped,he sighed out happily. "I would never forget to kiss you goodbye,"she whispered in his ear. He smiled and kissed her neck,and she got goosebumps. His mouth was so moist and warm against her cold skin. "Ahem,"Erin said. Jordan stopped and chuckled. "Maybe later,"Rosie said. "Okay." They pecked each other on the lips,and off Rosie went. They went into her dorm,and upstairs to her room. Erin immediately noticed the stuffed teddy bear on Rosie's dresser she got her at the fair when they were both little. "Is that Mr.Tubby?"Erin asked with a smile on her face. She picked him up an started stroking his fur. Rosie giggled and nodded. "When I was seven you won me that." Erin giggled,too,and nodded. She flopped down on Rosie's bed. "Be careful there would ye? It's sort of...sacred ground..."she said blushing. Erin sat back up. "It is?!"she said with a shocked smile on her face. Rosie nodded. "'re not...are you?"she asked.

"What?! No! No I'm not pregnant,"Rosie said. Erin sighed out a relieving sigh and patted next to her for her Rosie to sit. Rosie then sat down and hugged her sister. "I missed you a lot,"Rosie said. "Awww. I missed you too!"Erin said. "Ya know that Edison is here right?"

"Where,"Erin said demandingly. She sat up. "He's in the apartments across the street. It's apartment 10A." Erin got her purse and said,"I'm visiting my boo!" She opened the door and skipped out all the way to Edison's apartment. Rosie laughed and pulled off a comforter sheet,and wrapped herself in it because it was cold in her room. She decided to read a book that she had brought from her plane trip to Baltimore. When she done a chapter or two,she went and got her acoustic guitar that she had also brought on her plane trip.

Then she got an idea.

What if she called Jordan and played him a song that she has been writing for him. She tuned up her guitar,got out the lyrics sheet and called him up. "Hello?"he answered. "Hey babe...I've been writing a song and I wanted to know if you'd like to hear it." He chuckled and said,"Sure. I'd love to hear it."

She smiled and began to play.

"I'm so lucky to,to see this world with you.

No matter what you do,I will always choose to come back to you,"she sang. Her voice was so sweet and delicate. When she was finished,he clapped. "You like it? I wrote it for you,"she said. "It was amazing babe. I loved it." Rosie giggled. 'It's called "Love At First Sight'...kinda describes us,huh?" she asked. "Ha,yes it sure does. Is your sister still with you?" Rosie responded,"Nah. She went up and walked over to Edison's apartment. She wanted to see him again. I'll tell ye that little lass sure does have a lot of energy." Jordan chuckled. "What?"Rosie asked. "You're're dialect. It's cute."

She blushed and giggled. "If you were here right now I would kiss you,"she admitted. "I can come over if you want." She said,"Yes please." He laughed and said,"Okay I'll be right over." She smiled and said,"Okay,lad. I'll see you when you're over. Love you."

"I love you,too,"Jordan said. They said their goodbyes and then Rosie smiled to herself. She couldn't believe that she would have her first kiss,her first boyfriend,and actually lose her virginity. And it was all for the same man. She loved Jordan with all her heart. She loved him so much. She giggled to herself and got her cell phone. She pulled up an album on her photos labeled "me and Jordan." She looked at all of the photos,but one always caught her eye. It was a picture of her and Jordan laughing while he held her in his arms. They looked so happy together.

"It's not just my's our story,"she said to the picture.

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