Chapter 7:For The First Time

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Justina had called her friend Ashleigh over. They were now in her room;Justina pacing back and forth while Ashleigh sat on her pink satin bed. "Maybe we should--no that's not good........oh! Maybe we can--no that's not good either!" Justina would mutter under her breath for what seemed like every other 5 seconds. Ashleigh rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath,"Why don't you just try being nice to her for once." Justina stopped in place and turned around to her. "What did you say?" she asked innocently. "Oh! Um...nothing,"she said,looking out the window. She sighed deeply and pushed a lock of dirty blond hair out of her face,revealing her deep brown eyes. "Um...okay then,"Justina said. Ashleigh was the most beautiful girl ever;almost as beautiful as Rosie. She has the most cutest gap in her teeth,tan skin,and a swimmers body added with the curves on her waist. She looks like the opposite of Justina,considering that she didn't wear pink all the freakin' time,or listened to the same R&B or pop music as her. She was the complete opposite of her.

"I just don't know what to do! me!" Justina yelled. She threw herself right next to Ashleigh on her bed,sobbing. Ashleigh patted her head. "Don',"Justina said, angrily looking at her. "Listen if you don't want me here I'll go,"Ashleigh said. She stood up and picked up her big,brown leather purse. "Fine! Be that way!"Justina yelled. Ashleigh sighed out heavily and turned around. She slammed the door on her way out as her hair flipped when she turned.

"Oh no...what have I done?"Justina asked. She bit her lip as her eyes welted up with tears. She sniffled and ran downstairs. Since Angus hadn't left,she immediatley went into the living room of the dorm. As she peered the corner leading into the room,she said,"Hey babe did you see Ashleigh walk ou-"

She was shocked. She saw Ashleigh and Angus...making out. "W-wh....WHAT THE HELL?!"Justina yelled. Ashleigh and Angus stopped kissing,and Ashleigh coughed out a little,"Ahem." The moment was so awkward for her,while it was heart breaking for Justina. Tears streamed down her face. "Why! Isn't bad enough I'm dealing with Rosie! Don't you care about me!!!"she screamed through her tears. "I know I haven't been the nicest girl ever...but Angus...I loved you! I FUCKING LOVED YOU!!!" She sobbed for a little while, and finally said,"But...I guess you didn't." She ran upstairs and slammed the door. Ashleigh had still been awkward downstairs and decided to leave. Justina has finally found out what it is like to be heart broken for the first time in her life.

While Justina was sobbing her anger and sadness away in her room,Rosie was at Jordan's dorm. Both of them,including Mark and Nick,were already there. The two guys were already recording in their rooms for their gaming videos,while Jordan and Rosie were together on the couch. Rosie smooched Jordan on the lips,smiled at him and said,"I love you." He smiled and kissed her back. "I love you more,"he whispered to her with their foreheads pressed together. "Prove it,"Rosie said slyly. He chuckled and pushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her deeply. She kissed him just as deep...and they didn't stop. They kept kissing,or making out I should say,while holding on to each other. Rosie leaned down on the couch and brought Jordan close to her so he was over her,still kissing. Jordan had just started to reach the bottom of her dress and pull it up as Mark walked downstairs,only to yell out with his eyes wide,"OHHH! GET IT SON!!!" Rosie blushed,and Jordan did too as he got off of her. "Oh come on! Why did you stop,"Mark said as if he was whining. "Because YOU ruined the moment,"Rosie said. Mark held up his hands as if he was in denial. "Sorry." She laughed and looked at Jordan. "I guess I going,"she said,looking down at her dress. The folding at the bottom of it looked just like Jordan's hand. "Oh...okay. Do you need to me to walk you to your dorm?" he asked. She smiled and nodded. "If you don't mind."

"Not at all babe,"Jordan said. He smiled at her and got up off of the couch. "Well Mark...I guess I'll see you later,"Rosie said. She smiled at him and walked over with her arms open. Mark smiled back and hugged her tight. " sis,"he said. She chuckled and said,"By broski." Jordan mouthed to Mark saying how he'll be right back and Mark nodded. They both walked outside,holding hands while they walked to Rosie's dorm. When they reached it,Jordan walked her up to the door. She turned to him and said,"Thanks...I love you." He smiled and pressed his forehead against hers. "I love you,too." She smooched him on the lips,but she did it again and so did he. While their lips were still locked,she opened the door behind her and walked backwards inside while holding on to him.She was then led to the big chair in the living room,making Rosie sit down and pulling Jordan close to her,chest to chest. He reached for the bottom of her dress like last time,and she reached for his belt buckle. Justina heard the unbuckling of Jordan's belt,and the sound if lips smacking together. She walked downstairs and saw them and turned on the lights,considering that it was about 9 PM when they had arrived. "Get...out,"she said,looking furious. Jordan and Rosie looked at each other and back at Justina.

"I said...get!" she yelled. Jordan glared at Justina,and so did Rosie. Jordan looked back at Rosie and kissed her deeply,and then smiled at her and whispered,"I'll be back later." She smiled and nodded. They both smooched each other on the lips,and Jordan left. After that,Rosie glared at Justina. "Hey. It's not my fault that you didn't lose your V-card,"she said teasingly,with a devious smile across her face. Rosie scoffed and said,"Oh like you lost yours?"

"W-what? Of c-course I have! Me and Angus did it like...6 times,"Justina said looking embarrassed.

Rosie smirked and said,"Yeah...whatever." She walked upstairs and took off her dress,revealing her black lace push up bra. It looked so small on her her...erm,"boobs" considering that they were so big. And she never got a boob job in her life. She had also been revealing her gray and black striped boy short underwear. She walked into her closet and found a pair of black shorty-shorts. She had also found a white tank-top. She got dressed and flopped down on her bed. "Oh shit! My contacts!"she thought.

Rosie ran over to the bathroom. She got out her contact's case and took out her contacts. She then saw her wide framed,black glasses on the counter of the sink and sighed. She put them on and pouted. "I look so ugly,"she said disappointingly. She walked over to her bed and flopped down on her bed,picked up a book,and began to read. She then heard tapping on the balcony door of her room.

Rosie walked over,opened up the curtain and saw Jordan. He smiling with his little smirk,with his hands in his pockets. She smiled,but then looked embarrassed. "Don't look at me!" she screamed as she hid her face. "Babe! What's wrong?"Jordan said as he opened the sliding glass door. She slowly took her hands away from her face and pouted. Jordan looked shocked. "I know...ugly,right?"she said disappointingly. Jordan said,"No! Babe you will always be beautiful! And actually..."

He pulled out a pair of glasses out of his jacket pocket that looked like hers. They were a teeny bit thinner,but only as I had said before,teeny. He put them on and smiled. Rosie smiled and asked,"You wear them, too?" He nodded and took them off. He later them down on the dresser next to Rosie's bed and held Rosie close. "Now...where were we,"he said deeply. She smirked and and kissed him. They made their way to her bed,making Jordan lay down and Rosie kissing him on top of him. She stopped kissing him,and got off. "W-what's wrong?"he asked. "Oh no. Did I touch you somewhere or something? Gosh,Jordan! So stupid!"he said to himself as he facepalmed. "No! No its not that."

She walked over to the door and locked it. She turned back around and said,"Now. Now I'm ready." He smiled and sighed with relief. She walked back over to the be and began to make out with Jordan again. This time it had gotten serious;Jordan's belt was already off,Rosie's shorts were off,and Jordan's shirt was off. For the first time,things had made their relationship more serious than before.

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