In training room

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Dianne's POV

It was the first day of training with Joe I knew it'd be interesting as he'd told me before he had no dance experience. But that does make it easier in ways as I don't have to correct any incorrect knowledge of dancing he could have picked up in the past. I made sure I got there early just so I was definitely there when he arrived and I had got music set and ready to go as soon as he came in and warmed up. He arrived on time which is good thing because then we could have all the practise time needed.
  Joe walked in with a big smile on his face then said "good morning Dianne! I can't wait to start dancing." He then walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Good morning Joe I hope your ready for today as your going to be learning the.... Jive!" I said with a big smile on my face I couldn't wait to start teaching him.

Joe's POV

I arrived at the training room and Dianne was there and ready set up ready to get practicing. She took it slow at first teaching me as I struggled a lot to begin with but it sunk in after a few try's I did keep complaining I can't do it! I can't move my legs and arms at the same time  that just doesn't work! But I enjoyed it so much and I couldn't wait to perform the Jive on the show!

The day before the show

Dianne's POV

Joe was so ready for this. He had got all the moves correct in rehearsal today I am so proud of him he's came so far in such a small amount of time I know he's going to make his family and friends so proud. I could tell he was nervous as he was quite and kept going back to his dressing room so I went down to his dressing to room to check he was okay he kept telling me he was but I wasn't sure I guess it must just be nerves.

Joe's POV
It was now the day before the show so it was rehearsal day. We practised our dance only twice this day and this time on the stage where we'd be doing it live tomorrow it made me so nervous but I knew I could do it I'd gotten it right in training the last couple of days. Once we practiced me and Dianne sat down watching the other celebrities practise all of their performances looked amazing. It made me a bit nervous because I worried that I wasn't as good as everyone else so I went to my dressing room for a bit and relaxed I knew I was just getting nervous because I've never done something so big before on live tv.

Another moment ( Joe Sugg & Dianne Buswell )Where stories live. Discover now