Fast forward (week 5)

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A month passed

It was week five! I couldn't believe it I had stayed in a whole month. I was loving every minute of the strictly experience. Every minute spent in the training room was the best Dianne is just amazing and makes every moment so fun and is making me love dancing!

Day of the show

   It was finally Saturday I was so ready for this dance it was a waltz and it was to such a beautiful song one of Dianne's favourites I had to make sure this dance was perfect!
  I was called into hair and makeup and got changed into grey trousers with braces over a green top. I walked out once ready and saw Dianne's red hair over her back on her mint blue glittery dress. She looked gorgeous.
  Some time had passed we danced and it went perfectly but we got 29/40 which was much better than last two weeks of getting 26/40 so I was happy because Dianne seemed happy. We rushed through the door almost breaking it as usual and I spun Dianne round and round smiling and laughing and then gave her the biggest hug Dianne even said 'thats the most fun I've had out there,' hearing that made me so happy I couldn't stop smiling it just amazing.

Another moment ( Joe Sugg & Dianne Buswell )Where stories live. Discover now