Chapter One

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"I can't find it!" Jimin's voice reverberates through the apartment.

"Keep searching!" Seokjin yells, running around the apartment like the rest of the boys, including me as I take a quick scan under the couch.

"Not here!" I shout out to them, followed by a few groans from the guys. "This is the last time I'm ever showing you the ring." I sneered and Jimin looks up at me with guilt ridden eyes.

"I just wanted to see if Jungkook could catch it." He defends himself with a pout.

"Who throws a diamond ring across the room?" Jungkook snaps at Jimin who sinks back onto the ground.

"Less talking, more searching!" Seokjin almost growls, obviously annoyed with the younger boy. "All I wanted was to start planning the wedding and for us to be the best best men because God knows that's what Taehyung deserves," he huffed, "but instead, we lose the ring!"

"It has to be here somewhere." I say, looking in every corner. "I'm sure we'll find it before he comes back home." I try calming the boys down but as always, the universe finds a way to contradict me.

The doorknob starts turning with a sharp squeak as the sound of the keys jingling together were heard and all of us freeze. "What the-" Namjoon looks up from the paper bags in his hands, emerging from behind the door as he stared at the four of us on the ground.

"I can explain!" Jimin jumps up and everyone's eyes are now on him.

"Explain what?" Taehyung finally walks in, struggling with a few bags of his own as he goes into the kitchen without passing us a glance. He finally sets down the bags on the counter top and his eyes meet mine. "Love," he cocks his head to the side. "Why are you on the floor?" He narrowed his eyes at me, confusion flooding them.

"Um," I stand up, looking back at Jimin who seemed way too distressed. "I-"

"Found it!" Seokjin was the next to jump up.

"Found what?" Yoongi walks in with Hoseok trailing behind him, plastic bags hanging from their hands. The entire room's silent, half of them waiting for an explanation while the other half thought about what to say but the silence doesn't last too long.

Seokjin slips the ring into my hands while Namjoon's focus was now on the two boys that had just entered the apartment. "We're supposed to be saving the world." I hear him mumble as his gaze lands on the plastic bags. He walks towards them, snatching the bags from Yoongi and Hoseok.

I slide the ring back onto my finger while everyone's still distracted. Jimin heaved a sigh of relief as he plopped himself onto the couch.

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