Chapter Four

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Taehyung had kept to his word the past month. The boys aren't here as often and he's been open about his past with his ex.

She tried reaching out to him again but he never responded. Instead, he blocked the new number and told me about it.

Honestly, I didn't mind him taking the call as long as he was honest with me about it. I told him that but he said he had nothing to say to her and I wasn't complaining.

We've gone into a simple routine the past month, pushing our wedding plans a little just to make sure we were on solid grounds before tying the knot. I knew I wanted him and I knew he wanted me but I wanted us to be one hundred percent sure before going into this and so the both of us agreed to put the wedding plans on hold.

The both of us weren't rushing anyway but when we told the boys yesterday, Seokjin and Namjoon had a huge fit about it.

I understood where they were coming from since they had invested a lot of themselves in the planning and they were probably looking forward to it. Taehyung and I found it oddly amusing.

With all of this aside, things were good. Better than good and I was happy. Except with school.

"I can't believe he actually dropped out," Jackson groaned from across from me.

"You constantly picking on him sure didn't help," I mumbled under my breath, finding a good genre for our film project.

The third member in our group, Fabien, finally called quits on the project and school. I had no idea why but he left us with a message, peace. And that was it. That was the last we heard from him.

"With hair like his? He was asking for it!" Jackson defended himself as though he had a compelling case but all it gets me to do is roll my eyes.

"How are we supposed to do a project meant for 3 people now?" I completely blow past his statement. "Professor Yee's not going to let us regroup this far in the semester."

"We just gotta make it work I guess," I've lost Jackson's attention, his eyes now glued onto his phone. "Anyway, I gotta go A."

"It's Areum," he knew how much him calling me A agitated me.

"See you tomorrow, A." He smirks right before walking and I'm by myself on the bench, raking my fingers through my hair with frustration.

"Hey," the familiar voice gets my head to spring up with surprise.

"Jimin, hi. What are you doing here?" I look around expecting to see Taehyung and the rest of the gang but instead it's only Jimin.

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