And the adventure begins

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It was exactly the same as all the other times I had seen it. The reflection of the moon was glistening on the surface of the lake. The sound of the wind rustling through the trees wrapping around me like a blanket. Nothing to break the peaceful atmosphere surrounding myself and the lake. My reflection staring back at me, i'm in a black maxi dress and barefoot. I watched my feet sink into the grass, just enjoying the serenity of the situation. When I looked back into the lake I was no longer alone. I was now joined by a pair of crystal blue eyes, that I could stare into for days. My breath hitched as it did every time I was faced with theses mysterious eyes, my heart raced and I couldn't seem to tear my gaze away from the blue oceans that had become all to familiar to me. I put my hand on the surface of the water, watching the ripples waiting for the eyes to disappear as they usually did but this time they didn't. I was filled with hope, curiosity and fear, I won't lie. I prepared myself to face the angel or demon that had been haunting me since my accident. Once I worked up the courage, I took a deep breath and slowly began to turn around. I was finally face to face with....

A repetitive high pitched sound consisting of different frequencies cut my dream short. Ever since the accident those eyes guard my dreams but are no where to been seen when their screams haunt me during the day.

The sound is unfamiliar and therefore a possible threat. My eyes have already adjusted to the dull light of the sunrise. Given the position of the sun and the light i'd estimate it to be around 6:30 no earlier. The orange sky with a hint of pink visible from my fifteen storey window. I asked for a view facing east. Probably one of the less frequent requests that they get but it's something I require. I never did like being woken up in a harsh manner which proved to be a slight problem in training. Over the years I learned a little trick. I can fall asleep in 10 seconds but remain alert and sensitive to light changes and irregular noises. So the shift from dark to light at sun rise usually wakes me in a more peaceful manner than a Marine with a horn.

With emergency drills and surprise training activities taking place throughout the night, it wasn't a choice. You woke up, prepared, or you died. They weren't shy of expressing the consequences.

Sitting up in the bed I located the sound. It's just the hotel phone. I've been here a week and this is the first time that it has rang.
"Hello" my voice was horse and my throat was dry.
"Hi-i m-miss uh y-yo-u askedmetoringyouwhenyourcararrived".
It was the young receptionist who I encountered when I first arrived. He looked about 12 and was rockin' the 2009 Bieber haircut. I felt the desire to shave his head building up again.

When we first met his hormones got the better of him. Obviously a college football player given his broad shoulders, height and Alpha male personality. That and I caught glimpse of his varsity jacket slung over his chair. As if it gave him some power. The second I walked through that door I had him down to a T. He had no chance. He attempted to flirt and I quickly established a few rules.

I was stuck in this hotel until my car arrived. The military do look after their own but this fancy five star establishment just isn't me. I spent everyday in the gym, it helps me clear my mind and think. I'm used to being moved around and deployed in different parts of the world but no one prepared this army brat for a normal life. Everything I once knew and depended on was ripped away from me. My parents still deployed, my grandparents either dead or in nursing homes. I bounced around from relative to relative for a week or two but felt like a burden. My screams at night scared them, my inability to participate in everyday life and desire to get back to what will probably kill me shocked them. None of them understood, it wasn't just a job to me. The marines were my family, my friends, my home for five years. It's where I spent birthdays and Christmases. The military was my heart and ran in my blood and now it's just gone.

"Uh m-miss?"
Realising I had not answered him I offered him a curt thank you in a steady monotone voice. I got up and made the bed, worthy of military inspection. My clothes were folded and resting on the out of place arm chair in the corner of the room. I never went clothes shopping, i've been living in the clothes that were packed for me. I'm still hazy on the details, however I do know that these are my own clothes from before I joined the marines. I was handed this bag along with my plane ticket. Part of me has a feeling that this was organised by my parents.

I zipped up the duffle bag and put my car keys in my pocket. I never unpacked, this was never home, and I knew it wouldn't be long before I left anyway.

I waited patiently in the lift while plaiting my hair. Old habits die hard.
The elevator dinged as the door opened. The lobby deserted, it was just Pretty boy and myself. Walking up to the reception desk he tried to hide his nervousness but his eyes betrayed him. Placing my room key on the marble counter, I said nothing. I simply waited.
"I asked them to park it out front."
"Thank you, have a good day sir." His expression immediately changed as he offered me a smile. The same smile that probably melted most girls but had no impact on me.

Walking outside the cool January air nipped at my bare arms. Undoubtedly leaving me with wind kissed cheeks and a slightly cherry nose. You could spot my car a mile away. It stood out like a Marine in a hotel full of business people. The BMW's had nothing on my Mustang. That's simply a fact.

I threw my bags in the back and revved the engine. Finally my adventure starts. Just me and the one thing that hasn't changed in my life, my baby.


Authors Note :

First chapter done. I think I deserve a nap and some nutella.

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