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I never thought I'd ever been in this position. Never. Luke is on one knee in front of me, a big bad Alpha is in a sense submitting to me. I could get used to it.

To be honest it looks like the start of a dance number. I refused to let my mind wonder, to doubt my decisions or to let me get my hopes up. I prefer to go by facts and evidence, it prevents disappointment. So I watched Luke with hawk eyes as I held my breath.

I watched as he gently let go of my hand, allowing it to fall and rest by my side. I took in every detail, the way his jaw was clenched, the rise and fall of his chest as he took deep breath to what seems like calm his nerves?

He couldn't maintain eye contact. This is usually a sign that someone is lying but I haven't asked him anything. I half expected him to tie his shoe or mine but then I remembered that i'm wearing boots, so no laces. There are so many scenarios that could come out of his one action, some I love the idea of, others terrify me.

His hand slightly trembled as it slipped into his pocket, searching for something. If you didn't know him, you would never have guessed that he was nervous. He's like me, we're good at hiding things, just not from each other. I could tell, the way he would tense his muscles randomly. The cocky smirk fading and the stone cold eyes that soften when looking at me become clouded. His head is somewhere else and i'm guessing it has to do with whatever he's doing now, whatever this late night walk is about.

I came back to reality when I saw a small velvet box emerging from his pocket. Forced to face the reality. It doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together.
"What are you doing? No, get up. Get up."
My reaction amused him and managed to lightened the mood. I got a smile and watched him loosen up a bit.
"Oh be quiet and let me talk."
I glared at him but he just dusted it off, winked and cleared his throat. I love how he fights with me, and isn't the type to just say what I want to hear to get into my pants. He loves seeing me aggravated and I love pissing him off. Some would say it's an unhealthy relationship but to me it's perfect.

"You've dragged me to hell and back but I would do it again if I get to call you mine. We're anything but normal. A marine and a werewolf, not exactly a match made in heaven........or was it?"
He slowly opened the box, revealing a small platinum ring. No diamond, not over the top. Simple, subtle but meaningful. Exactly me.

"I know we're only young, and I still have to earn your trust back so this is my promise to you. Your reminder that i'll spend the rest of my life making sure you're loved and safe, in my arms. It's a promise ring, a promise that one day it will be replaced with a diamond engagement ring. That one day you'll not only be my Luna but my wife and the mother of my children. But is also your promise that you'll return from war, return to me. So basically what i'm trying to ask is if I promise, will you?"

I covered my mouth with my hands, they're shaking and to be quite honest I don't trust my mouth. My heart is pounding in my chest as I lean forward and lift up his chin and looked into his eyes, where his demons hide.

How do you find the words to respond to that? How does a girl afraid of her own feelings, of love and commitment, respond to that?

"I'm not pregnant"

Well done Alex. Well done.

"You better not be because you're mine princess and I don't like sharing. Now my knee is starting to hurt and I would like an answer if it isn't too much trouble."

"Hmmm maybe I need some time to think"
I tapped my finger off my chin as I gave him a cheeky smile. He rested his hand on his knee and lifted himself off the ground, returning himself to his full height. Towering above me. One arm snaked around my waist and pulled me forward. Not even a magazine would fit between us. He dipped his head down to meet the base of my neck. He nipped and I gasped but couldn't stop the goosebumps. He trailed his way up to just under my ear but on his way up I let out an involuntary moan. Luke's actions halted and he sucked on that area, sure to leave a purple bruise that i'll have to cover up but I couldn't bring myself to stop him.

Luna? No sir i'm a MarineWhere stories live. Discover now