Questions but no answers

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"So you just took me?"
"for the millionth time yes"
"but you have a reason?"
"but you're not going to tell me"

I always had a big mouth which got me into a lot more trouble when we were kidnapped by a terrorist group in the middle east. I can speak 5 languages and my sarcasm is as fluent in each. So as you can imagine the beatings came hard and fast during those two weeks. Anyway let's not dwell on the past and let's focus on the present.

As I was leaning on the counter just about to open the the jar of heavenly goodness. I felt body heat surround me, alerting me that someone was close. Straight away I knew it was Luke he's the only one who has attempted to get close to me. Actually to think of it since I woke up he's always been close to me, it made my heart flutter but I don't know why. He put a hand on my waist as he leaned over me to reach a glass while he whispered in my ear
"I won't tie you up unless you ask for it princess"

There is only so much I can take. Being in a male dominated profession I had my fair share of hormonal boys who treated me like the neighbourhood slag. I am sick of it. As if having boobs made me less of a Marine.
"I told you not to call me that and do not put your hands on me again."
I had to forcefully remove his hand from my waist and I wasn't nice about it either.

I was cut off by another growl and Luke pinning me to the counter. Can you say Déjà Vu?
"No one will hurt you here, do you understand? I won't allow anything happen to you, no one here will. Anyone that wants to hurt you will have to get through me."
I searched his eyes for any sign of a lie but I came up empty. He was telling the truth. And to be honest I kind of liked that idea, I felt safe in his arms. Not that i'd ever admit it but I do.
But he had to open his big mouth and ruin it.
"Plus princess you're mine now and no one touches what's mine." Strike 3 and you're out.

He's standing too close for comfort, looking down at me with a smug smile. So I handled it my way and put it in a way he'd understand. Balling my hand into a fist I pulled it back. Before he had a chance to react my knuckles had already made contact with his cheek bone. His head snapped to the side from the sheer force behind the blow. Months of pent up frustration. He blinked a few times and cracked his neck.
"I belong to no one. Do not touch me."

For the third time today I found Luke pinning me to the counter. He leaned his head down to my neck and whispered "feisty, I like it." I was just about to knee him in the crown jewels when a small voice stopped me.

"Cousin Luke are you playing mummy's and daddy's with my angel?" Her pure innocence had me laughing even if her assumption had me both with butterflies in my stomach and shivering in disgust.

I pushed Luke off me and picked Rose up. "How about that story I promised you?"
"Yeah story time, cousin Luke are you coming?"
"Ye-" before he had a chance to finish it I cut him off "No sweetie he's got to order me a nice big pepperoni pizza because I haven't eaten in a while. Now come on let's leave the boys alone to order dinner and we'll read you that story"

Half way through Peter Pan I realised she was asleep. I tucked her in and kissed her goodnight.
"You know you'd be a great mother one day. I'm only babysitting tonight and normally she has the four of us running around like headless chickens until 2am."
Luke's voice startled me. His black eye already forming which made me very happy.

"Where's Simon?"
"He was playing Fifa on the Xbox and fell asleep, I just took him to bed there. Uh pizza is downstairs if you want it?"

Pizza? I was gone so fast i'm pretty sure all I left behind was a cloud of smoke.

"Ugh i'm stuffed"
"I've never seen a girl eat so much" I had finally learned minion number 1's name it's Aaron. When they found out I called them minion 1 & 2 they were in hysterics laughing. But it soon caused an argument as to who was 1 and who was 2.
"Well Aaron i'm full of surprises"

You know for kidnappers they're not that bad. They're nothing like the ones you see on TV. Sure they're a bit pervish but they're teenage boys what do you expect?

We decided to call it a night. Luke walked me to my room, err his room, the room I woke up in. I climbed into bed, closed my eyes and waited for him to turn off the light. Instead I heard the sound of a zipper being undone. My eyes snapped open and I flipped over. Luke was standing there shirtless, his toned chest on full display. I might be drooling.
"Finished checking me out yet?"
I could hear the smugness in his voice. Cocky bastard. Ignoring his question I changed the subject.
"What the fresh fuck are you doing?"
"It's my bed so i'm going to sleep in it."
"But i'm in it"
"it is a king sized bed"
"I don't care if it's the size of Russia, i'm the hostage, i'm the girl and i'm here first it's mine now" Luke did not seem amused by this. Despite my relentless objections he got into the bed.
As Luke got comfortable he but his arm around my waist. In what world does he think i'm going to be ok with this. He is a complete stranger who is holding me against my will quite literally.

I removed his arm from my waist but it resumed its previous position. He is really starting to annoy me. I have been patient, I have been nice and now i'm sharing a bed. I went to move his arm again
"Princess I like to hold what's mine close so it can't be taken from me"
He was lying on his stomach but his words were clear.

I guess a black eye wasn't a big enough hint. I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. In doing so I pinned him to the bed. My legs either side of his torso stopping him from fighting back or so I thought. With his free hand he grabbed my legs and flipped us. My grip loosened and he freed his arm. He now had me pinned to the bed. Panic began to set in. No matter how strong you think you are when a man overpowers you and pins you to a bed against your will, it is scary. Enough to make an girl cry and beg him not to hurt her but I wouldn't give him that satisfaction. I struggled relentlessly.
"Stop you're going to hurt yourself. Please trust me."

I stopped struggling but I wasn't giving in. I let him get comfortable and waited until his breathing evened out. I pretended to be asleep myself but I was forming my plan.

When i was confident he was asleep I moved. I stayed low and on my toes. The entire house quite. This one is a lot smaller than the mansion I woke up in. They brought me here just after I started asking questions. I kept Rose and Simon entertained but memorised each turn we took. I'm confident I could walk my way back to the mansion.

I easily found the front door. My hopes were shattered when the handle wouldn't move. It was locked, of course. I ran my fingers through my hair, I usually have a clip or two but today none. I tip toed my way to the back door. There was a large glass sliding door but I had overheard Aaron tell Luke that someone had broken the key inside the lock so I had no chance with that. There were no windows large enough for me to climb out of. I searched through the draws for some kind of tool that I could use to jimmy the lock. I found a tooth pick and a sharp knife. A girl can try.

Walking back round to the front door I noticed a very advanced security system. Something that the FBI would have. I knew if I could open that door then the alarm would go off. It would be an maximum of an hour before they caught me. They have the home field advantage and this house is in the middle of nowhere. No neighbours for miles.

I walked into the living room and put the items down on the coffee table. Curling up on the couch I closed my eyes. I'll need all my energy for tomorrow.

Author's Note :

Vote, comment, follow, eat pizza and enjoy

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