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A few days passed since news broke out about the billionaire's death. During those days, Pogo called Jade to inform her that Sir Reginald's ashes would be spread on March 24th, which was today.

Jade thanked him for the information, but in her mind, she didn't really want to be there. It's been thirteen years since she's been in that house. It just wasn't the same after Ben...it wasn't. The atmosphere around them, the way some of the children treated each other. The girls snapped at one another, Diego and Luther got into physical fights, Klaus started tainting his body with joints and other shit. That's what made Jade upset even more. And they still continued missions like it was nothing. They didn't have time to grieve. The old man moved on pretty quickly.

Jade huffed at the memories as she continued to go through her day. Her day contained watering her flowers and making arrangements in her flower shop.

Jade finished making a birthday flower arrangement, placing one last bright pink rose in the mix of white and bright pink roses. A mix of innocence and spunk.

"Here you go!" She said with a gentle smile, handing her customer the bouquet. "Hope they like it."

"Thank you." The old woman smiled, handing Jade the money. As Jade was opening the register for change, the woman noticed the familiar black umbrella tattoo inked into her left arm near her wrist. The only people with those tattoos were the children of the Umbrella Academy.

"What was it like?" The woman asked. Jade gave her a confused smile. The lady quickly pointed her wrinkled finger at Jade's tattoo. Jade looked at the tattoo and sighed.


"It must've been nice being a hero. Saving the people and the world." The woman explained. Jade's smile was still there, but it grew smaller. It didn't feel that way to her. What was she supposed to say? Yeah, it was amazing being trained everyday, pouring blood, sweat, and tears into it? Still going on missions no matter what, especially two days after a death. Having an old man not giving a damn about their physical and emotional state, as long as they got the job done. It was a nice feeling when they first started; however, as time went by, it felt more like another forced chore.    

Jade just gave the woman her change and a half-smile. "It was definitely an experience. Have a nice day, Ma'am."

The woman replied with a chirpy "Thank you!" and walked out of Camelot Flowers. Jade slouched onto the counter, gliding her thumb over her tattoo. Her being a superhero under Reginald Hargreeves was an experience she never wanted to go through ever again.
The door opened, letting out a jingle which caused Jade to quickly stand straight. She beamed as her little boy ran into the flower shop.

"Hi, Mom!" Arthur greeted, running around the counter and embracing his mother.

"Hi, Bubba!" Jade laughed, rubbing his moppy curls. "How was school?"

"Good! We're learning more facts about the solar system." Arthur replied. "Do you know how many degrees fahrenheit is the surface of the sun? Almost ten-thousand! That's what my teacher said!"

Jade raised her eyebrows in amazement, proud that her son is actually wanting to learn. "Wow! That's a lot!"

"Uh-huh! Oh wait!" Arthur took off his backpack and placed it on the counter. He zipped open the backpack and pulled out a newspaper. "I saw this at the newspaper stand."

Jade picked up the paper and read the headline that mentioned a certain Number One coming back to Earth after his four-year mission on the Moon.

"Oh, yeah." Jade spoke in a bored tone, folding the newspaper. "Pogo told me that too."

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