part 1

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Anika was standing infront of her office Chauhan industries trying to call her sister who probably was sleeping in her hostel . she tried again and this time her sister gauri picked it up.
Gauri asked her sister in a sleepy voice" di why are you calling so early" anika grasped gauri it's not early it's eight thirty , i am trying to call you from past half hour you have class in another fifteen minute. Gauri's jaw dropped 'oh no di what will i do now, why didn't you wake me up early .today professor will kill me for sure '. "Di i will talk to you later bye".' Gauri listen' but before anika could say anything her sister has alerady cut the call. Anika sighs she knew her sister too well she always does that. With this she entered her office . she has given her four years to this office . being a workholic person she was counted in one of the best employees in her office. She straight walk to her cabin and start working which was suppose to submit day after tomorrow. She was engrossed in her file when someone tapped her shoulder . it was Ajay the new employee of the company . 'hi myself Ajay naam toh suna hoga' Ajay introduced himself . anika looked up 'nhi suna' . " actually i am new in the company" he tried to initate a conversation . "good" replied anika and again starts doing her work. Ajay smiling faintly moved out of the cabin . he told receptionist about how rudely anika behaved with him . "she is like this it's not new "answered receptionist . "she talks less and work more , nobody likes her behaviour" further added receptionist . anika overheared their conversation As she was towards her boss cabin .she felt bad but quickly covered it with a poker face. "come in" replied mr Chauhan as anika knocked his cabin. "sir these are the project files " anika gave it to me Chauhan as asked for . "miss anika you completed the project so fast . this one was supposed to submit day after tomorrow . and you submitted it today . you being the best employee of this company i want to give you a big opportunity". Anika looked up thinking what it could be , when her boss broke her trance . "the oberoi 's are willing to work with our company regarding the new project and i know if you present this presentation , i am sure the deal will be our's. This is the biggest project and i want u to represent our country. Anika was quite happy that her boss trusted her for this project. Though nervous but she took this in her hands willingly . she walk back to her cabin . it was six when her phone ringed showing ranveer her brother calling . she picked it up instantly . " Di when will you reach home , i have a surprise for you." Ranveer told . anika smiled " i was just going to leave the office, will reach home in half an hour" .
Anika entered her house ,for her surprise a girl wearing pink kurti and golden pajami was sitting on sofa . she instantly recognized her as she was her brother ranveer's girlfriend priyanka. ranveer was dating priyanka from past two years. she knew her brother has genuine feelings for priyanka, and anika too like prinku . now she knew what surprise his brother is talking about but decided to play along.
"Di aap aagye woh..... actually i want t...o to tell you something " stammered ranveer . "ranveer you want to tell me something or you want me to meet someone" teased anika.  priyanka flushed listening anika's statement . Not to make both of them more embarrassed anika told " i know ranveer you and priyanka like each other and i am ok with it ". "Di me and priyanka want to take this relationship forward . I want to marry priyanka" stated ranveer . his voice was full of confidence and his eyes was reflecting love and admiration for priyanka. anika looked at priyanka and her eyes too was showing love and respect for her brother. Anika instantly knew she will be the perfect match for her brother. Anika told that she is happy for both of them . she doesn't have any problem with this relation and its a yes from her side. anika can see the happiness in the eyes of her brother and her soon to be sister in law. "But did you both talk about this too priyanka's family" asked anika. from their fell faces anika guessed they haven't told this to prinku's family till now.  "I think you should tell them as soon as possible otherwise if they got to know from others it will create a problem" told anika. Ranveer and Priyanka knew what anika is saying is correct . They can't hide their relationship anymore. Its time for Priyanka to tell her brothers about her boyfriend. priyanka knew it will be quite difficult knowing the possessive nature of her brother's . at the same time she knew how much her brother's loves her especially shivaay bhaiya  and care about her happiness which lies in ranveer.

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