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It was early when you woke. Ann had visited you around 9 am, helping you with your makeup and dolling you up. You were looking great, she had curled your hair and given you a natural but striking look. Your confidence boosted for the day.

Upon arriving at Leblanc, the whole gang surprised you with the cupcakes they had made the last time you took Akira's shift. There were many flavors, about 30 of each for the customers.

"You guys... this is amazing..." Your smile was growing wide as they all smiled back feeling accomplished, Akira placing a small kiss to your cheek making you blush. You spent some time at the shop handing out cupcakes to the customers, receiving many birthday wishes and giving many "thank you"'s in return.

Morgana was the loudest when the cake came out. Meowing repeatedly as everyone sang the classic happy birthday song. You sat with Akira and got to feed him some cake. Sure, it was a bit embarrassing, but you both were having too much fun to care.

"I told you the strawberry cake was good." Akira chuckled as you stuffed your cheeks happily. Everyone was at a table now, having small talk as they enjoyed the cake themselves. You felt a small pat to your shoulder and turned to Akira.

"(Y/n), actually, I have a gift for you." Your eyes widened a bit, your cheeks pink but your lips curled up in a smile.

"Another one? The perfume and sweets weren't enough?" You chuckled lightly, but paused your laughter when he took a hold of your hand.

"Haha, just one more gift" you looked down to find a small box placed in the palm of your hand. You were hesitant, hoping he did not just spend his money on some expensive piece of jewelry.

When you opened the box, you felt your body freeze. Something so familiar staring you back in the face. You could feel your cheeks hot and eyes begin to puff as Akira took the necklace out of the box.

"Actually, I was planning to buy you a new one for a while now. But, I managed to find the charm so all I needed was a chain." He spoke softly as your back was turned to him. He carefully moved your hair out of the way to wrap the chain around your neck.

"Wh... Where..,, Where did you find it...?" Your voice was trembling, you were unable to stop your tears from flowing down your cheeks. Your could hear him chuckle from behind you, finding him smiling with a finger to his lips as if to shush you.

"It's a secret." You blushed, it was like magic how he managed to make you feel so happy even on your worst days. You looked down at the necklace in your hand.

Oh that's right, I needed to go looking for a new vase... You chuckled as the thought came to mind when you saw the charm of a red rose, the charm you have thought had been long gone all this time.

Dear (Y/n),
Happy birthday, love.

Sincerely, Akira

Seventeen Red Roses (Akira Kurusu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now