Chapter 3

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After lunch, Bethany brings in the dishes and utensils and begins to pack them into the dishwasher. As she's cleaning up she could hear a very panicked Fred coming from her mother's room. Bethany silently walks up to the door and gently placed her ear against it. The speaking was muffled but she could make out a few words. Something along the lines of " Your okay," and "You can do this you've been getting better have you not." She could hear her mom's soothing voice comfort her broken husband.

Bethany's stomach turns and she gets that feeling that something isn't right. She thought would this be my mother's life, taking care of her sick husband and spending less time with me? Bethany knew it was a selfish thought but she couldn't help herself, for most of her life it was just her and her mother. Luckily Bethany was blessed with a good life. Her mother was a very successful woman working in the buisness industry. Her mother's big salary sent Bethany to a private school where only the children of the elite attend. But Bethany always felt out of place. She never fit in with all those rich white kids, they were simply too stuck up for her and she had no interest in going to parties, popping pills or getting piss drunk.

"Eavesdropping are we?" Bethany jumps away from the door startled and holds her chest.

"My goodness you scared me." She shuffles back into the kitchen and continues on with her chores.

"Let me help you." Bastien picks up a plate from the sink and places it into the washer. His arm accidently brushes against Bethany's chest and she immedieatly recoils stepping back and crossing her arms.

"I uh I-I've got to use the bathroom." Bastien didn't seem to notice Bethany's agitated behavior as she quickly rushed to the bathroom.

When she got there she immediately looked in the mirror. There's no way she'd be able to stay in this cottage for a whole month with a boy fine as Bastien. Once Bethany calmed down she straightened out her blue summer dress and walked back into the kitchen.

"Bethany can you and Bastien go into town and run some errands I have the list on the counter." Bethany nods her head and grabs the piece of paper. They both silently walk to the car and Bethany gets into the passenger seat while Bastien walks over the driver's side and gets in.

"Why aren't you driving?" He questions. 

"Because I don't have my license yet." Bastien just scoffs and starts the car. As they cruise down the country road Bethany can't help but feel claustrophobic, she puts down the window for some fresh air and sticks her head out, her long braids flow behind her head. 

"So how's life around here seems rather mundane," Bastien asks. Leaning back into her seat she twiddles with her fingers and replies.

"Um the townies, usually have parties and stuff since there's a lot of young people who come here for the summer." Bastien sneaks a glance at her then glances back to the road.

"You ever go to those parties?" Bethany shakes her head no.

"Well lucky for you I'm here and I can get myself into any party." She doesn't reply so he continues.

"I was a party animal throughout highschool. Just because I went to an all-boys boarding school doesn't mean I can't have fun." He turns back to her but she still has that same nervous look on her face. Bastien knits his eyebrows together in confusion he thinks did I scare her?...

For the next ten minutes, silence engulfs the car. 

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