Chapter 5

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Once they got back to the cottage they unload the stuff they got from town and bring it inside.

It's 5 p.m and Bethany is pooped. She heads into the kitchen grabs a glass of water and plops her self on the couch switching on the t .v.

Soon enters her mother and her step father.

"So how was the trip into town?" She simply shrugs and takes a sip from her drink. Bastien decides to butt in and answer.

"Did you know that your daughter has a secret admirer" A sly grin plays over Bastien's face. Bethany nearly chokes on her drink and turns to him.

"Wh-what are you talking about!" for a moment Bastien is shocked he'd never heard Bethany speak loudly before never mind shout.

"Oh you know that boy Jerred from the shop, he's got a major crush on you". He plops down next to her on the couch and changes the channel.

"Is that true Bethany this boy Jerred likes you?" her mom asks her in a questionable tone.

"No he doesn't" Bethany could feel the heat rising to her face. "First off you got his name wrong it not Jerred it's Jerry actually his full name Jeremiah, mom you remember him he's Mr. and Mrs. Jones oldest son" Fiona's face lights up as she remembers the Jones family.

"Yeah well, he asked her out to this bonfire thingy the next night" Fiona's face lights up even more.

"Oh my goodness you need to go, Beth, you never get out enough, hell even bring Bastien". Bethany's mouth hangs ajar not believing what Bastien has gotten her into. She nods her head just to make her mother happy and agrees to go tomorrow night.


It's 11 p.m and the cottage is quiet. Bethany tosses and turns in her bed trying to fall asleep but she can't stop thinking about the party. She's super nervous about tomorrow night. She sits up and turns on her light in her room, walking over to her dresser she unplugs her laptop and logs on. Suddenly there's a faint knock on her door, she sets her laptop down on the bedside table and thinks.

Who would be awake at this time and why are they knocking on my door?"

 She hesitantly walks up to the door and opens it. Standing there is Bastien but he looks different. His eyes all red and he reeks of skunk.

Before she can say anything he waltzes in and plops down on her bed.

"couldn't sleep so I got high instead" He pulls a blunt out of his pajama pants and lights it. "what some?"

Bethany freaks and swatts it out of his hand.

"Oh my god, what are you doing!" Bastien yells. "If my mother smells this she'll have my head." Bethany rushes over to the window and opens it. The cool night breeze rushes into her room causing her curtain to dance.

Bastien giggles to himself and lays back on her bed. He yawns loudly and rests his head on her pillow.

Bethany stands there in disbelief. She walks up to Bastien and taps him a few times on the shoulder when he doesn't budge she shakes him a little but no movement. She paces around the room pondering on what to do next.

"Bastien wake up!" She throws a pillow at him. he's stiff as a log. A bunch of thoughts begin to race through her head. oh no is he dead?! Can cannabis even kill you? Maybe he took too much that's why he's knocked out. 

Bethany stood there staring at him. 

"ugh, I feel like shit" Bastien sits up and runs his hands through his matted hair. Disoriented he looks around the room.

"you um got high, passed out and now your disoriented" He turns to her simply nods his head lazily and lays back on the pillow.

"Hey you can't sleep here go back to your room!... please" Bastein crosses his arm behind his head.

"I don't feel like it, if you don't feel comfortable sharing a bed then you can sleep on the floor"

Bethany sighs and walks to the other side of the bed she turns off the light and slides in under the covers leaving as much space between her and Bastien as possible.

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