Chapter 7

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It's 10 p.m and Bastien and Bethany went throughout the day mostly avoiding each other. Now they're are heading out to the bonfire.

Bethany changes her outfit and throws on a black high rise wide waistband skirt along with a plain white t-shirt with the words please me written across the center in cursive.

She waits in the car while Bastien gets ready, once he comes out he's in a red short sleeve button down along with white short khaki's. Sliding into the driver seat he starts the engine and pulls out of the driveway. 

To make the drive less awkward he turns on the radio. 5SOS song TEETH begins to play.

Blood on my shirt rose

in my hand

You're looking at me like you

don't know who I am

Blood on my shirt, heart in my hand

Still beating


They pull up to the beach and walk along the cold sand. Its's pitch black outside and the only thing keeping them in the right direction is the faint bonfire in the distance.

As they get closer they soon here laughter and chatter between people. There are about 20 people all talking and having a good time while roasting marshmallows to make smores. Some people have drinks in their hand, and a girl with blonde hair and braces offers Bastien a beer but he politely declines. 

They take a seat on one of the lumber benches in front of the fire and Bethany sits there feeling out of place.

"So you want a drink or something? We can have a smore if you want" Bastien try's to lighten up the mood but Bethany is not feeling it. She begins to think about why she even agreed to come. There are mosquitos out just waiting to suck her blood, the fumes from the fire are triggering her asthma and she doesn't know anyone here besides from Bastien and Jerry.

As if on cue Jerry walks up to them and takes a seat beside Bethany on her left, he has a drink in his hand and seems a little tipsy.

"Heyy Bethany soo glad you and Sebastian could make it" Bastien grimaces not only at the butchering of his name but also at the fact the Jerry is literally all of Bethany, his arm is swung around her neck and his face is too close to hers.

This ticks Bastien off and he pushes Jerry's arm off her.

"Dude can you stop, can't you see you're making her uncomfortable" Jerry leans behind Bethany and stares at Bastien.

"What's your issue you jealous or something..." He looks Bastien up and down and takes another swig from his drink. His pudgy finger snake around Bethany's neck and up into her hair. Bethany tenses tears begin to well up in her eyes.

Bastien balls his fists and rage soon begins to take over.

"Stop touching her you perv!" Bastien gets up and hovers above Jerry fuming.

"Or what?" Jerry stands up and stares him directly in the eyes. Everyone turns and watches waiting for the calm before the storm. The cool night breeze whips around them causing the fire to crackle, sand is blown around and Bethay sits there stiff with her fingernails digging into the lumber bench beneath her. She stares up at Bastien in silence. 

Within a second a loud crack is heard and Jerry is on the ground, blood is pouring from his nose down his face. Two burly guys walk up to Bastien and shove him away then help the unconscious Jerry up.

"Yo who the hell is this guy!" One bystander yells another person chimes in. "Yeah who even invited him, get out of here you cunt!"

Bastien stares at all of them then down to Bethany, she immidealty gets up and begins to run back to the car, Bastien follows quickly behind her.

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