Episode 11 - A Change of Heart.

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Hey guys! we're picking up exactly where we left off, enjoy!


Emily's eyes followed Tobin as she walked up to Christen. Tobin looked back as Emily gave her a nod for support, she knew what was at risk here. Tobin tapped Christens shoulder.

Tobin: Can we talk for a bit?

Christen: Of course, babe.

They walked out and sat on the steps of the porch. Tobin took a deep breath.

Tobin: I need to be completely honest with you, i think you deserve it and i don't want you to hear it from anyone else.

Christen looked at Tobin worriedly, she thought this may lead to the end of them, but that's not what Christen wanted. She was willing to fight for what she has with Tobin.

Tobin: A couple of days ago, me and lindsey almost kissed.

Christen: Almost?

Tobin: We were in the bathroom, she was really upset and we got caught up in the moment. I leaned in but Lindsey was the one to pull away and give me a reality check.

Christen: Why are you telling me this? If nothing happened, why hurt me?

Tobin: What...?

Christen: It just feels like you constantly hurt people. If nothing came of it, what's the point in me knowing this? God, Tobin. Can you think of anyone else but yourself?

Tobin was perplexed, this was honestly the last reaction she expected. She has thought about every outcome, good or bad. But definitely not this.

Tobin: I thought i was doing the right thing? I thought all you wanted was honesty? i wanted to give you that.

Christen: You want to hurt people, Tobin. That's all you've done since day one. Are you a sadist or some shit? Do you get off on causing pain to people?

With that Christen stood up and left, Tobin had a look on her face that basically said "what the fuck just happened". Emily walked up to her, putting her hand on Tobins shoulder.

Emily: I'm proud of you.

Tobin: Get the fuck away from me.

Tobin flinched at Emily's touch and walked to her room, she laid down in bed and broke down, falling asleep sobbing. Emily now, was also confused.

**Tobin: I just don't have the fucking energy anymore. I try to do the right thing, it doesn't work. Christen is the only person i saw myself with outside the villa. Now i lost that?


The next morning everyone was woken up by the sounds of Sam and Alyssa. They walked around yelling "Group meeting! Group meeting!".

Ali: It's fucking 8am... you have to be kidding me...?

Sam: Its a long day today. Everyone get ready, meeting is held in 15 minutes in the living room.

Everyone groaned as they got up. Precisely 15 minutes later the meeting commenced. 

Alyssa: Listen. Last nights truth booth was awful. I was hurt by the outcome, i don't want anyone here to feel like i did, ever. So Sam and I spent the last 3 hours figuring stuff out.

Abby: Did you guys not sleep?

Sam: Nope. Thanks to a good cup of Lindsey's portland coffee...

Lindsey: Does anyone try asking before using my coffee roast?? It's literally inside my suitcase, how the fuck did you even find it?

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