10. teddy

156 16 42

February, 2010

"Hi, Ingrid, nice to meet you. My name is Teddy. How are you?"

Although she hesitated, Ingrid succeeded in shaking the paint-stained hand the Aussie-accented Asian held out. She had Agata by her side, who had brought her out here claiming this old classmate of hers was some sort of therapist. He cut a pleasant enough figure, harmless and unassuming in white T-shirt and washed-out sweatpants.

"I'm good, thanks."


"No, thank you."

"Alright. Well, then shall we?"

He led them through into the bedroom and encouraged Ingrid to sit wherever she liked. She picked the chair at his desk.

Agata cleared her throat. "I'll leave you to it, then. I'll...be watching telly on the sofa." She excused herself and returned to the living room.

Teddy went to sit cross-legged on the floor at Ingrid's feet. "So – what do you wanna talk about?"

Her thumbs fidgeted in her lap. "I don't really want to talk..."

"Fair enough. I'll start." He clapped his hands. "I've been sketching portraits lately. Do you wanna see?"

Her shoulder rose in a half-hearted shrug. Teddy took it as a yes and reached into his desk cabinet for a sheaf of papers which he handed out to Ingrid.

"These are pretty good," she mumbled as she leafed through.

"Thanks," he grinned. "Do you want one? Of yourself, that is."

"Sure," she agreed, still not fully meaning it.

"Great. Will you please give me that?"

He pointed to the sketchbook on his desk and she grabbed it for him.

"So, Agata tells me you speak German," he said as he began to draw.

"That's right."

"I know a German joke. Well, I can't tell it in German, but I hope you'll still find it funny. Here it goes." He stared at her for a second before he turned back to his sketch. "A vampire was driving late at night, with two bicycles on top of his car. The police stop him. Have you been drinking, sir? they ask him. Only two radlers...,answers the vampire."

The punchline was that, in German, radler meant not only lemonade-infused beer...but also cyclist. Ingrid frowned as she processed it and burst into laughter when the penny dropped.

"There it is," Teddy whispered. "Actually, I think I've got some radlers in the fridge. Should I fetch us some?"

"Yes, please," Ingrid said, more assured this time.

He stood up, slowly, and left the sketchbook on his desk. Ingrid gratefully took the can when he came back and he sat this time on the edge of his bed.

"You're not an actual therapist, are you?" Ingrid asked, sipping her drink.

"What gave it away?" He winked over his can. "Listen, Ingrid – can I be blunt?"

She managed a reluctant nod.

"What happened to you...you can't let it control you. You have to control it. That's what I'm here for. To help you heal and regain control over your body. I'm not here to hurt you, or scare you...So if you're ever uncomfortable, ever at all, no matter how silly or ridiculous you might think it seems, you let me know, yeah? So I can back off, give you space to feel safe again."

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