author's note

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there, that's the author's note lol

Just kidding, I have lots to say, except I don't even know where to begin.

First off, I do believe a big THANK YOU is in order if you've managed to make it this far! You've no idea how much it means to me and how much I appreciate it ❤️

Secondly - a couple of special shoutouts go to Norwood515 and DavidEAnderson100 whose continued support have contributed significantly to me making it this far! Thanks for keeping (putting? 😂) up with me and showing Ingrid so much love 💜 (readers: do check out their stories, you won't be disappointed!!)

Reading your comments and chatting with you has made me realise that, in one way or another, this story was written for you and you were meant to find it and read it. That, to me, proves stories should be told and shared because someone out there needs them and will connect to them in ways one, as an author, couldn't even begin to imagine. Which in turn gives me hope, and faith, to keep grinding on 😊

Because, let me tell you, I started out with no hope at all when I first created this account back in January of this year. Its sole purpose was to give Ingrid and her 5-part odyssey a home. Except when I began posting Whiskey Latte in January, I didn't have the time to take Wattpad seriously and wasn't getting much attention.

So I eventually took Whiskey Latte down, life happened, and come July, I was fresh out of a job after extended medical leave and itching to do something. Back to Wattpad it is, then! I re-uploaded Whiskey Latte and, with plenty of time on my hands now, managed to spam the community forums enough to catch the eyes of some people who were interested in my story.

They read it, loved it and motivated me to metaphorically get off my ass and write. I had been working on Vodka Espresso for a year... It was this summer that I managed to wrap it up with a nice, shiny bow.

And now it's yours

Thank you for taking good care of it!

The sequel is now complete - I was so excited that I churned it all out in a month!! Which means that it requires heavy editing/rewriting but at least it's there. It's out.

Before I share a short sneak peek with you, however, here's a comprehensive list of all the Ingrid stories I've published so far (in recommended reading order):

The Ingrid Odyssey (main series)
°Whiskey Latte - completed novella
°Vodka Espresso - completed novel

Spin-off projects (featuring characters created by Norwood515 with no bearing on any of the original stories)
°Wasted - completed short story (Ingrid + Jude)
°Experiment - completed novella (Ingrid + Craig)

That being said, I do think they work well enough as standalone pieces, so you don't have to read them all if you don't want to 😊

At least 3 more Ingrid stories will follow, so if you'd like to be notified when I post more, do hit that follow button. I promise I won't spam you with announcements 😉

And now, for the pièce de résistance...


Tequila Americano

1. americano

January, 2014

It was so fucking cold that Ingrid got the sudden urge to turn her husband’s grave into a bonfire pit. Of course Jacob Jeremiah ‘Jack’ Astor II had chosen the coldest month on record to jump from a bridge into the Hudson River. In death, such as in life, he favoured superlatives and his ex-wife had seen to it that his funeral was no exception.

His actual widow, on the other hand, had long run out of fucks to give.


stay tuned!

ps: today (October 19th) is my birthday, so if you've read my stuff quietly so far (which i appreciate tremendously!!), would you now be so kind to make me the gift of sharing your thoughts with me? (privately, if you don't want to write a comment!) 😆 i would love to hear from you ♥️

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