Unforgiving Spirit

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     In one preaching, I have learned that having an unforgiving spirit can result to mental, physical and spiritual illness. Thus, forgiving can give everyone good results, and wrinkled-free face. :) It is because everyone deserves a second chance. Forgiving may hurt us first, but compensating wrong with wrong does not make it right, so it is better to forgive to be free from the burden of having an unforgiving spirit. Learning to let go of the pain caused by someone and letting it pass through can help one to be mature enough and grow.

     In life, we can never control the events so as to be hurt. The path we go through are different, and the level of pain is also different. Then, choosing to forgive is the best medicine that can cure everything. In life, we can face lions and bears that will leave scars. These scars can be considered a lesson, or a depression that can sink us. Nevertheless, there are more giants coming in our lives, and we must be prepared for those to give the right response. God allows a roller coaster path in our lives for us to be tested and to grow more, and most of all, to look up and say thank you in everything. It is stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV) "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." Good or bad, we ought to thank God, for we are more fortunate than other people who are experiencing worst situations than us. Life has its ups and downs, and our response to those makes the differences.

     Let us learn to forgive daily as God has daily forgiven us though we slept in sin. Let Christ-likeness be seen in our lives, and let us not hinder ourselves to be happy, joyful and excited in living life. As we all know, Life is too short, to linger on things that ought not to ruin our being. :)

Forgive, Forget, Let Go, Let God.. Move on daily with Jesus Christ our Lord. ^_^

I leave to you all this verse:

Hebrews 11:40 KJV

"God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect."

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