Part 10

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Monday came way too soon. Modest sent him an e-mail after the phonecall with instructions and he was supposed to be there at 1 o'clock. He was so fucking nervous. He wasn't ready to face Harry. Liam walked through the front door.
"Hi mate. I thought we could go together. Ready?"

"No, but let's go."

Twenty minutes later Liam parked the car outside Modest. They got out and entered the building. The receptionist pointed them to a room on the second floor. Louis was breathing nervously in the lift up.

"It's going to be okay mate." Liam reassured him before they got out of the lift heading to the last door on the right. Liam gave him one last clap on the shoulder before he opened the door. Louis inhaled sharply when the door swung open.

Before he could register anything someone came running and gave him a bone-crushing hug.


Louis hugged his favorite Irishman back.

"Hi, Niall. Missed you".

"I missed you too!"

Louis glanced over Niall's shoulder. Harry was sitting at the table, talking to Zayn. God, he was here. Louis got out of Niall's hug and went to sit down opposite Harry and Zayn.

"Hi, Zayn. Can't believe you're here."

Zayn looked up with a smirk.
"I couldn't let you guys have a reunion without me."

Louis noticed that Harry was eyeing him. He looked him in the eyes. They looked so...cold. Louis held his breath. He was still absolutely stunning. His hair was short and messy but Louis could see the curls that he adored so much.

"Hi, Harry." He said softly.

Harry gave him an amused smirk.
"Hi, Boobear." Harry said in a very sarcastic tone and then he just stared at Louis coldly.

Louis flinched at the way Harry used his nickname. It sounded mean. Harry never used to be mean. Louis looked at Harry again but he was talking to Zayn. Liam sat down beside him nodding at Harry and Zayn.

James and four other men from management came in and sat down. James spoke up.

"Hello, gentlemen. So, let's go through what we expect from you from now on. You will make a new record, starting tomorrow. You can write your own songs but we will make the decision which ones will go on the album. We also have the same team ready for you that helped you write songs in the past. Any questions?"

Nobody said anything. James continued.

"Then you will go on a world tour that starts on January 1. It will last a year. You all had successful solo careers so you will be able to perform one song each at every concert. That was all. We expect to see you all in the studio tomorrow." James looked at all five guys before he and the other men in suits stood up and left the room. As soon as they left Harry walked out of the room without a word.

"I better go after him. See you guys tomorrow. Nice to see you all again." Zayn said before he ran after Harry.

Louis turned to stare at Niall and Liam after Zayn left the room.
"What the fuck was that?"

"Ehm, Harry is kind of a douchebag nowadays," Niall said and shrugged his shoulders.

"What? How is that possible? He doesn't have a bad bone in his body." Louis said in disbelief.

Niall stared uncomfortably at him.
"He erhm, hasn't really been himself since, well you know."

"Are you saying that I turned him into a douchebag?" Louis stared at Niall and Niall blushed.

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