Part 11

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During the next couple of weeks, Louis felt like someone was watching him. But every time he looked up no one was staring at him. Great, now he was delusional as well. Something more to add to the list. Harry was at least not ignoring him anymore. He couldn't go as far as saying that they talked but Harry said hi to him in the morning and he was polite. Well, that was more than he had ever hoped for. Louis could even feel himself smile on occasion, usually at Niall. Who wouldn't smile at that boy?

They actually had a really great time in the studio. It felt like the old days. Well, almost. He and Harry weren't the same.

It was the beginning of November. Time had flown! They had written a bunch of more songs and it was time to record them and send them to Modest. They spend the next two weeks recording and Modest was pleased with the result. So pleased that they actually gave them December off to spend with their families as long as they spent time together as well, re-connecting.

Louis spent a couple of days alone in his house but he realized that it was a bad idea. The nightmares came back and he felt depressed. He decided to call Liam.


"Hi, Liam, what are you up to today?"

"Nothing much really."

"Do you wanna hang out?"

"I'd love to. Your place?"


"Is it okay if I call the lads and ask if they want to join us? We promised Modest we would re-connect or whatever."

"Eh, it's fine."

They hung up and Louis went to take a shower. An hour later the guys arrived. Louis was surprised to see that Harry was with them. He walked inside and looked around.

"Nice house Louis."

"Ehm, thank you, Harry."

They spend the rest of the day watching movies and ordered pizza. At seven Niall got the bright idea that they should sing karaoke. He and Liam did an outstanding performance of Spice girls Wannabe. They remembered the dance moves as well and Louis couldn't help but laugh. They looked ridiculous! He could see Harry smiling at him. Stop that!

When the song was over Niall and Liam took a bow.

"Louis, Harry it's your turn and you know what song it is." Niall said with a smirk. Louis felt his heart drop. Damn it, Niall! But then Harry stood up and looked at him.
"Come on Louis, or should I say, Diana?" Harry winked at him.

Well, it was nice to see Harry without his usually clenched look so Louis decided to play along.

"Well, Lionel. I'm gonna Diana the shit out of this song."

Harry actually let out a short laugh and Louis couldn't help but smile. Soon they were singing My endless love as dramatic as they could, laughing in between. They only had eyes for each other. When the song finally ended they just stood there staring at each other until Zayn let out a cough and they came to their senses. They turned to face the other three lads at the same time. Niall was watching them with a smile. Liam looked pissed and Zayn gave them an ironic smirk. Louis blushed and Harry mumbled

"I think it's time to call it the night." and headed for the door. Louis sighed. Why did it have to be so complicated?

"I think I'm gonna go to bed." Louis needed to be alone so he could cry.

"Well, that's our cue to get the fuck out." Zayn smiled. He and Niall walked out of the living room.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked softly.

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